Ficlet: Make it Burn

May 03, 2009 02:27

Make it Burn )

spuffy, fic

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Comments 15

xc_runner50 May 3 2009, 07:42:50 UTC
Oh wow. That hit the spot. Gets ya panting, this feels real to me. I love the emotions it exudes.


angearia May 3 2009, 08:11:24 UTC
Thanks, hon!


aisalynn May 3 2009, 10:50:02 UTC

Very dark and painful, hun. And right up my alley! *grins*

Favorite parts:

Destroy me. Make me your burning ground.

Just loved those lines.

Please. Oh please, make me not care anymore.

Make me not-Buffy.

Please, Spike.

Yes. I think that fit season 6 Buffy perfectly. And it was so painful it made me almost want to cry.

So well done.


angearia May 3 2009, 16:19:40 UTC
Very dark and painful, hun. And right up my alley! *grins*

I thought it might be. ;)

I think that fit season 6 Buffy perfectly. And it was so painful it made me almost want to cry.

So well done.

Thanks! *hugs* How strange art is that making someone want to cry is a compliment, no?


angearia May 4 2009, 03:08:56 UTC
Forgot to say you picked my favorite lines from the piece. I'm in love with the phrase "burning ground" and felt it was perfect for this piece. I actually went back and added that. :)


writeraissa May 3 2009, 14:41:10 UTC
You did a great job of capturing Buffy's mid-S6 emotions--very disturbed, but very pathetic at the same time.

Oh, and poor Spike.

Excellent work!


angearia May 3 2009, 16:20:23 UTC
Excellent work!

Thank you! Indeed, poor Spike. He had no idea what was going on in her head.


moscow_watcher May 6 2009, 08:57:32 UTC
Love it. The last, tiny "please" is heartbreaking.

I like your idea to play with the font size. Do you think that comics influence your writing techniques?


angearia May 6 2009, 16:17:33 UTC
Love it. The last, tiny "please" is heartbreaking.


I like your idea to play with the font size. Do you think that comics influence your writing techniques?

You know, I hadn't consciously thought of it. But in a way yes. I think I've also seen the change in font size used by writers here on LJ too and that's partially why I used it.


moscow_watcher May 6 2009, 16:32:08 UTC
You know, I hadn't consciously thought of it. But in a way yes.

I remembered the scene of Renee's death in issue 15 - the font becomes smaller, the blurbs fade out etc.


angearia May 6 2009, 16:40:00 UTC
I think that's probably the closest influence here. Because it's in the first person for Buffy and it's a very plaintive way to show her voice gets smaller and more pathetic.

I've also seen the font change used by LJ'ers here (gabrielleabelle for one) who do it to make an aside comment or humorous disclaimer. So first person obviously too but not in a fictional environment. The scene with Renee probably did influence me though as the comics were huge on my brain when I first started writing fanfiction and I actually wrote webcomics before writing prose.


mister_pointy99 May 6 2009, 20:45:38 UTC
Wow, that was dark. And painful. And brilliant.


angearia May 6 2009, 21:15:13 UTC
Thank you.


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