Mississippi Personhood Amendment

Oct 09, 2011 18:44

Originally posted by gabrielleabelle at Mississippi Personhood Amendment
Okay, so I don't usually do this, but this is an issue near and dear to me and this is getting very little no attention in the mainstream media.

Mississippi is voting on November 8th on whether to pass Amendment 26, the "Personhood Amendment". This amendment would grant fertilized eggs and ( Read more... )


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Comments 19

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angearia October 9 2011, 22:49:51 UTC
I understand, sweetie. We all do our best.



gabrielleabelle October 9 2011, 22:54:38 UTC
What Emmie said.

Donating is awesome, but if you can't afford it, don't stress. Writing a letter to the DNC is also helpful, as is just spreading the words to your friends.


shipperx October 9 2011, 23:18:40 UTC
That's really rather horrifying. Between that and the crazy crap my own state is passing these days, all I can think is that lots of states have voted in some ultra-conservative idiots. :(


angearia October 9 2011, 23:20:20 UTC
I know. It's like an economic depression isn't enough, we have to move for social regression, too.


norwie2010 October 9 2011, 23:51:54 UTC
The two go hand in hand (or at least there is a push for that every. single. time. Reminds me of the "witch hunt" aka burning of nurses, abortion helpers, knowledge of birth control at the end of the late middle ages/beginning of the early modern period to fuel the european imperialism with soldiers, and the growing manufactures with workers).

You don't want enlightened and self-determined people in times when they could start asking essential questions.

I'm with you. Fight, Americans, fight!


beer_good_foamy October 10 2011, 06:31:24 UTC
Damn, that's messed up. I'm so sorry you've got idiots like these in charge.


angearia October 10 2011, 07:37:23 UTC
Our gov't sucks. :(


spikesjojo October 10 2011, 07:44:49 UTC
I noty only liked the facebook page - I shared the most pertinent posting about the bill, and asked all my friends to like the page as well. Keep on fighting - thanks for passing this on!


angearia October 10 2011, 07:46:33 UTC
And thank you for helping, too! :)


deathcomes4u October 10 2011, 13:36:59 UTC
Reposted in my journal as well as added a new link. I had no idea this was going on. Thank you for posting this.


deathcomes4u October 10 2011, 13:38:25 UTC
You've probably seen it already, but this is what I linked to as it had bookmarked more sites.


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