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sidhlairiel August 1 2011, 15:41:35 UTC
That issue was just wonderful. I watched Doublemeat Palace last night so I am on a Jane Espenson witty dialogue high. I lovelovelove the panel of drunk Spike waxing lyrical about Dru whilst he has obviously been carving lovehearts with Buffy in mind. And I awwwwed like a madwoman at that shot of Spike singing lullabies to the grubs. I have an urge to read Spuffy babyfic now. He is so adorable!

Also, I wonder if there is any significance to the bug names? Elizabeth struck me as a name that is used all the time in fanon to refer to Buffy in historical/AU fic.


angearia August 1 2011, 15:49:13 UTC
YES YES YES! Everything you just said. QFT.

Hee! Drunk!Spike hearing voices and drawing B+S hearts into his overturned table-cum-pillow.

And yeah, Elizabeth struck me as a vague-ish shoutout to Buffy, but not really? Since that's not her name, though a lot of fandom seems to think it's her given name. But she's always been "just Buffy."

Buffy and Spike are so adorable whilst drunk, no?


sidhlairiel August 1 2011, 20:17:30 UTC
They're both so utterly adorable ♥

On a shallow note I am loving the Captain-John-Hart-like attire Spike is sporting these days. And I love Buffy's hat as a throwback to Becoming and First Date. But egads, her coat is hideous!

Also, I only just noticed Spike hugging the bug legs in that drunk panel. And the discarded copy of OK! magazine draped over the table. Gotta love his ability to keep up with the British tabloid magazines even whilst drifting through space.


sidhlairiel August 2 2011, 02:42:31 UTC
If I recall correctly, I think it was pheifferpack who told me Buffy is actually connected to the name Elizabeth - like a nick name.


angearia August 2 2011, 02:43:50 UTC
Yes, Buffy is generally a nickname for Elizabeth.

But Buffy Anne Summers given name is not Elizabeth -- it's Buffy Anne Summers. Not a nickname, that's just her given name. As her mother said, she's always been "just Buffy."


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