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Comments 101

norwie2010 March 4 2011, 18:32:39 UTC
We. Two. Think alike. :D

After the awesome season 2 "romance", the only way to exit - was going piece by piece.... (Slayer theme ;-))

Though i must say, Spike kidnapping Willow and Xander is totally worth it. (I mean, we see the black stripes on the street as Spike leaves ruins behind in Sunnydale. :D ).


dampersnspoons March 4 2011, 18:38:15 UTC
My favorite thing to do with my 200+ year old boyfriend is focus on my tai chi moves so that everyone knows how in sync we are. And do it really lazily, like I'd rather be doing something else. Or just without any real focus. But I'll be covered in sweat so it looks like I've been doing it for HOURS.


eilowyn March 4 2011, 20:42:28 UTC
The sweat is supposed to show the sexual tension! C'mon, girl, get with the program!


dampersnspoons March 4 2011, 21:09:19 UTC
Haha yes! I thought "doing it for HOURS" just about covered it. :D


blackfrancine March 4 2011, 21:15:11 UTC
Haha. I like to imagine the writers sitting around discussing the tai chi--one writer will say, "What can Angel do that he'll be SOOOO into, and so convinced that it makes him look deep and smart and in sync with his inner power?" And then a different writer would say, "But Buffy has to PRETEND to be into it, but secretly, she's like 'This is a workout? Jeez. Angel IS old.'" And then someone says, "Ooh. Tai chi. Like the little old people do in the public parks in Japan!" And then someone else says, "But he does the tai chi in completely inappropriate clothes! Like how my dad wore black dress socks and shoes with his swimming trunks!"

That's my theory on the Angel's tai chi evolution. Also--that's true about my dad and dress shoes with swimming trunks.


gryfndor_godess March 4 2011, 18:39:22 UTC
I agree so much about the unnecessary, nauseating, why-is-this-on-my-television romance. When I daydream about doing the 30 days meme I sometimes think S3 would be my least favorite season b/c I honestly can't want the Bangel without rolling my eyes and getting bored. And yet it has some of the most brilliant episodes of the entire series- Lover's Walk, The Wish, Doppelgangland. And the Mayor is such a creepy, fantastic villain!

I think vamp W/X are less horrible because they're not hurting Oz and Cordy. Insofar as sucking Cordy dry is, um, less worse than cheating on her?


penny_lane_42 March 4 2011, 18:52:06 UTC
sometimes think S3 would be my least favorite season b/c I honestly can't want the Bangel without rolling my eyes and getting bored. And yet it has some of the most brilliant episodes of the entire series- Lover's Walk, The Wish, Doppelgangland. And the Mayor is such a creepy, fantastic villain!

It's better than S1, but only just barely. I watch the good episodes and skip everything else, despite my affection for the Mayor. But it's definitely my second-least favorite season.


gryfndor_godess March 4 2011, 19:07:23 UTC
I mostly like S1 actually. It doesn't hold up on a narrative, cohesive level to the other seasons, but I think it does exactly what a mid-season replacement show needs to do- it thoroughly introduces the characters and is mostly entertaining. It has such a campy feel to it that I almost feel bad comparing it negatively to other seasons, since I don't think the writers had established what they wanted the overall tone and direction of the show to be yet.

The season that usually competes with S3 for my least favorite is S6. I know that's a wildly unpopular opinion, but this is how I see it: many parts of S3, S1, and even S2 bore me. But S6 is the only season that actually offends me. There are many parts of S6 that I love (OMWF) and other parts that I'm learning to love (the horrible Buffy/Spike dynamics) but much of the execution (the AR, the lame drug metaphor) still infuriates me.


penny_lane_42 March 4 2011, 19:48:12 UTC
Understandable. I am not much of one for camp, actually, so S1 doesn't do much for me, but I can understand why other people are fond of it.

When I rewatch seasons 6 and 7, I mostly just rewatch the scenes/episodes involving my favorites, so I pretty much block out all the stuff I don't like.


brutti_ma_buoni March 4 2011, 18:51:01 UTC

I heartily endorse this phrase.

I'm pretty much immune to music (has its good points as well as bad), but not to leaden visual metaphor.


staringiscaring March 4 2011, 18:51:16 UTC
Hahaha, I know right? That music kills me every time.

I agree about Willow and Xander in the Wish, they're like 100x more interesting together.


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