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gabrielleabelle January 7 2011, 21:51:34 UTC
+ Enrolled in classes at my university. WOOT! I'm also taking one online course and I was thinking about doing posts about my assignments, discussion, what-have-you. It'd basically be me talking about school like a ginormous nerd. And this sounds like FUN TO ME. Is anyone interested? I'm thinking about maybe starting a School Filter.

I'm down. :)

What are you gonna be studying?

+ Watched the most recent episodes of The Closer and was so charmed that I decided to go BACK TO THE BEGINNING. And huh, Brenda Leigh Johnson's accent is kinda less think when the show first started. But still, LOVE IT.

I just got the S1 DVD. I love that show so so much! Although the recent episodes are awesome, I've realized that I'm getting to the point of HATING Pope and wishing Johnson would just let him go.

+ Pondering an essay on what BtVS Season 6 and Buffy mean to me (aka me talking about depression and fiction).

Yes, please. I've been thinking about doing the same thing as I've been rewatching S6. :)

Just finished watching Tabula ( ... )


angearia January 7 2011, 21:57:47 UTC
What are you gonna be studying?

Intro to Fiction Writing. :D

What do you do with a BA in English? Learn how to write better fanfic!

I LOVE that show, too. SO MUCH. And you know what? I think you're right. Pope just feels so redundant right now. BUT OMG how amazing was the Christmas two-parter? The ending was so BRILLIANT. And when Captain Raydor (Brenda's "friend") talked about how she did the marshmallows and Brenda was all "oh they're a little burnt." LOL.

Looks like the depression essay is a comin' then. I think I'll do that tomorrow. I'm kinda looking forward to being lazy the rest of the night after getting so much done today.


gabrielleabelle January 7 2011, 22:13:22 UTC
Oh! There's a Christmas special? I haven't seen that yet! Last I saw, Johnson was turning down Pope's job and asking him to stay on to maintain her own position at Major Crimes. Must got check out the new stuff. :)


angearia January 7 2011, 22:15:37 UTC
Oh shoot! I didn't mean to spoil you. But yeah, it's awesome. The character interaction is a beauty to behold. Go forth and enjoy!


gabrielleabelle January 8 2011, 07:37:22 UTC
I'm caught up now! The Christmas episode was strangely intense and fluffy at the same time. How do they do that???

But yes. Major love for Raydor and Johnson interaction.

Am I the only one who totally friendships Gabriel and Johnson, though? If there were any friendship fic for the two of them, I'd be all over that. Unfortunately, the show doesn't seem to produce much fanfic of any type.


angearia January 8 2011, 10:29:39 UTC
Right, right? I don't know how they combine strangely intense and fluffy... though now that I think on it, isn't that the perfect way to describe Brenda Leigh? So it must be because they're using her character to change the tone on a dime ( ... )


gabrielleabelle January 8 2011, 17:57:00 UTC
Yep! The episode after the Christmas one is what prompted my spontaneous Gabriel/Johnson squee. :)


angearia January 8 2011, 17:59:33 UTC
I loved his line about how he's "always on [her] side." So wonderful.

I just posted my depression essay. *wibbles* It's one of those posts where it's scary to be so honest.


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