This is the only Glee icon I have

Oct 05, 2010 23:28

 Okay, I just watched tonight's episode and the way it explored religion made it very uncomfortable to watch, but also made for some interesting commentary.  ( Read more... )

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Comments 20

treadingthedark October 6 2010, 06:13:38 UTC
Hee. I don't watch Glee too often but Kurt is my favorite and this one got to me. I started worrying, "Is this the episode Joss directed?"


embers_log October 6 2010, 13:27:37 UTC
I only have one 'Glee' icon also, I may need to get more!
I really loved the episode, the Grilled Cheesus hit just the right note IMO, they were respectful to religion but allowed Kurt's position as an unbeliever (and his saying that his love for Father was sacred to him was so beautiful and powerful!). But mostly they sang some of my all time favorite religious/spiritual style songs....
I was a little worried about the gospel choir, but 'Bridge over Troubled Waters' was an awesome choice!
I really think that 'Glee' did it right. At least right for me.


alexeia_drae October 6 2010, 18:20:38 UTC
As an atheist, born and raised, in the Bible Belt, I thought that how Kurt's friends were treating him was horrible. If someone was Buddhist or Muslim most people would consider it bad taste to tell them to pray Christian or invite them to church during times of trouble. Why is it okay to force your beliefs on someone just because they don't believe in any of the above gods ( ... )


ghostyouknow27 October 6 2010, 19:03:07 UTC
I agree with the people saying that it's cliché to represent atheists as people who turned away from God because something bad happened to them, he didn't answer their prayers, they didn't get what they wanted for Christmas etc. etc. I wish one character was atheist for intellectual reasons or because their parents were atheists.

I was, however, very relieved that Kurt didn't convert at the end, even with the "believe in something" bit. I feared a mushy group song in which Kurt finds God and Burt is healed.

Also, Emma drove me crazy in this episode. I can understand kids pushing belief on Kurt. They're kids! But Emma going off on Sue? Civics lessons aside, the religious songs were not comforting Kurt (the person Emma thought needed them!?); they were bothering him. I would expect a guidance counselor to be more compassionate and open to alternative views.

But yes, Kurt makes me cry. Every. Time.

And I was grossed out by Finn eating the Cheesus. That thing was ancient! He had been carrying it around!


softly_me October 7 2010, 02:05:12 UTC
It's interesting because this episode mostly put me on edge because I'm always acutely aware of how the religious are portrayed in television. It made me a little uncomfortable that there didn't seem to be any person of faith who stood up for Kurt when he said he was an atheist. We had Mercedes and Quinn who were shocked and put-off by his declaration and then a lot of silent listeners. Then, we also had Emma asking Sue to keep her lack of belief to herself. It's just... there are many religious people who don't bat an eye when someone admits they're an atheist and will defend their right to not believe in anything. We never seem to get that vibe from television.


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