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petzipellepingo September 17 2010, 08:09:33 UTC
Wolf brothers vs. Vampire brothers! It's brothers against brothers up in here. I call dibs on the Salvatores. 'Cause hotter, funnier, more interesting. No contest.

Yup, my money is on the vamps.

"I don't do the big brother thing very well. Sorry I don't have any milk and cookies to offer you."/"Dick."/"Wait. My father hated vampires, too."/"He did?"/"Same reason your dad did. Only it was 1864. People knew how to widdle whittle. Did you do this?"/"Yeah, I tried. It's a lot harder than it looks."/"Huh." WHAT IS THIS CONVERSATION? I love it. Did dying help Jeremy get over his desire to die? Because he seems so much more mature right now. Like he's finally getting a clue.

He looks taller, seems smarter - death improved him a great deal. Let's hope it lasts.

Damon is getting kicked around by all the women tonight. DAMN, BONNIE. Scary witchfu. But whoa, so much for hating Damon completely Elena. Damon's about to die and you save his life.

+ Elena is really growing on me. I love how she pragmatically sums up the insanity in her life and then just bucks up and says "I'm fine." Like she's going to power through it. I also loved how she told Bonnie to stop because that's not who they are. They're not killers. Go Elena.

Elena is definitely becoming more mature in this crazy relationship as well.

But still, WHERE IS ALARIC? He needs to come back now already.

Yes please.


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