I watch way too much TV

Sep 14, 2010 16:52

 So, I was bored and when I get bored, I make lists.  About TV.  Yeah.

The Fall season has started (on the CW at least) and I thought it would be a good idea to figure out what I'm watching (answer: way too much).  I checked out the Fall Schedule on TV Guide then started making a list, picking out the shows I would be watching this fall.

The shows ( Read more... )


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Comments 24

beer_good_foamy September 14 2010, 21:36:47 UTC
I liked the first episode of Terriers. The plot isn't up to much so far, but the characters have potential, there's a great Coen-Brothers-noir feel to it, and with both Shaun Ryan (Angel, The Shield) and Tim Minear running things I'll definitely give it a run.

The only other US show I'm following at the moment is Mad Men, which just keeps getting better. Looking forward to Dexter and Caprica starting up again. Then there's that Darkman clone with Summer Glau sometime, whatsitcalled, Cape or something? ETA: Oh, and The Walking Dead of course.


eilowyn September 14 2010, 21:43:43 UTC
So I'll totally be doing this myself tonight after I crank out a couple essays (one about fandom friends as a benefit I've gotten because of technology - may actually post that one), but you totally beat me to this! I'll probably have a list of new shows I plan to check out, but I'll listen to f-list buzz for most of it. And unless we get the ol' TiVo working again, it looks like I'll be downloading a whole bunch of shows because I work nights now. The "but it's Lost tonight! You can't schedule me!" is only amusing a couple times.

My boss recently rec'd Rubicon to me (it airs after mad men), so I'm checking that one out. Will let you know.


pocochina September 14 2010, 22:31:52 UTC
Yeah, so many of these shows. Dexter, Mad Men, 30 Rock, Caprica, Castle...love. Bones, Lie to Me, and House I do still watch, but more for background noise than for the enjoyment I got out of earlier seasons. The Good Wife and Community are on my list to start from the beginning at some point, and I am in season 2 of DW.

I also really like Parks & Rec. Also, Rizzoli and Isles. CAMPY LADY CRIME-SOLVER SHOWS FTW. It's evocative of early-season Bones, awkward overly-expository dialogue and all, but without the "LOOK AT THE UST. HERE IT IS. UST." It's over until next summer, but all episodes so far are online.


molly_may September 14 2010, 22:50:25 UTC
Dear god, Timothy Olyphant is sexy as hell. Ride 'em cowboy, YUM.

YES. I am commenting mostly just to express my solidarity in this matter, and to use this icon.

Also, I just got caught up on Fringe last week, and I have to say, the end of the season is really, really good.


kudagirl September 14 2010, 23:02:31 UTC
I tend to DVR shows and watch with a friend marathon style. We watch Chuck, Castle, Caprica, Big Bang Theory, Vampire Diaries, Fringe, Haven, True Blood, The Gates, Dr Who, Being Human, Leverage and Dexter.

I lost interest in Bones, Smallville and Supernatual. Bones began boring me. Smallville lost me when Michael Rosenbaum left. I did watch a few episodes when James was back as Brainiac. Last season of Supernatural lost my interest.

I will be watching Hawaii Five-O. I love many of the actors who will be in it.


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