I watch way too much TV

Sep 14, 2010 16:52

 So, I was bored and when I get bored, I make lists.  About TV.  Yeah.

The Fall season has started (on the CW at least) and I thought it would be a good idea to figure out what I'm watching (answer: way too much).  I checked out the Fall Schedule on TV Guide then started making a list, picking out the shows I would be watching this fall.

The shows ( Read more... )


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flake_sake September 14 2010, 21:19:11 UTC
I don't have a tv strictly speaking, so I don't have a schedule but I do watch more than I should anyway.

Of the shows running these days and starting soon:

Chuck, Castle (both more for fun than for fanning), Glee, The good wife (it's not half bad, I wish I'd like the lead, but Christine Baranski is so fantastic I can't stop watching), Caprica (It's like Mad Men and Sci fi in a blender)

Currently giving Vampire Diaries another try, because I really value my flist's opinion, but good lord those first episodes are bad.

Also giving "Nikita" and "Lost Girl" a chance, the later looking quite fun (It's urban fantasy about a Succubus).

Ugh, these model shows give me the creeps, I saw one episode once and it made me think, maybe a nuclear war wouldn't be such a bad idea if that part of humanity is blown up too.

I'm definitely trying Boardwalk Empire, Dexter is a must and Mad Men is the best show on tv, possibly ever.

Closer is my Crime show of choice and I'm looking forward to Doctor Who on Christmas.

I guess there's also more British tv for me this year: Being Human, Sarah Jane adventures, possibly Torchwood, more Sherlock.

And I'm looking forward to Game of thrones big time. Can't wait to see what they made off it.

Oh and I forgot Eureka and also the show I'm still watching though it's more a shadow of it's former self: Weeds.

I miss Brian Fuller. I need him making tv.


eilowyn September 14 2010, 21:37:22 UTC
Honestly, re: Vampire Diaries, start about episode 6. I ignore everything before that when I re-watch. It gets better, promise!


ever_neutral September 15 2010, 01:38:12 UTC
Yep. I recommend this also.


shipperx September 15 2010, 01:46:35 UTC
I think that's more or less what I did!


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