
Aug 08, 2010 13:37

Someone more knowledgeable in film will probably be better able to express this, but when I watch Doctor Who Series 5 I'm always very impressed with the cinematography of the show.  It feels more like a movie to me than just a TV show.  But when I watch earlier seasons, the show seems smaller, very much like watching TV ( Read more... )

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Comments 18

eilowyn August 8 2010, 17:57:04 UTC
Aspect ratio. That's the only cinematic term I have any clue about that could make a difference. Maybe it was filmed with the 16:9 aspect ratio of movies?

I'm about a third through season 5 (should we uncouth Americans refer to it as series 5, or can we get away with our incorrect usage of "season"?), and am really, really enjoying it! I love Amy's job as a kissogram, and seriously hope we see more of the people in her town, like the old lady and the "good-looking" guy. I know we get plenty of Rory, which is good, but I liked seeing everyone in the town in "Eleventh Hour." That's one thing I've always loved about the earlier seasons - the companion's families. LOVED Jackie and Mickey, loved how dysfunctional Martha's family was, and I adored Donna's grandfather, and was so excited to see him as the companion in The End of Time.


eowyn_315 August 8 2010, 22:43:14 UTC
should we uncouth Americans refer to it as series 5, or can we get away with our incorrect usage of "season"?

Haha! I usually go with "series" for British shows.


angearia August 8 2010, 22:45:36 UTC
Heh, I only called it Series 5 because that's what the show calls it. ;-)

Yay for watching Season 5! I had so much fun and the last run of the season is awesome.


simonf August 8 2010, 18:14:33 UTC
I think series 5 may have been the first one to be filmed in HD.


angearia August 8 2010, 22:46:50 UTC
It's not so much the crispness and clarity to me. Sometimes shows look worse in HD because you can see all these weird flaws. I think it's something about the cinematography, but I would need to watch more of the earlier seasons and compare to really put it into words.


stormwreath August 8 2010, 20:03:34 UTC
That's interesting, because they actually reduced the budget significantly for season 5; a lot less special effects - though maybe they made more effective use of the ones they did have?

According to imdb they first started filming in HDTV in 2009.


angearia August 8 2010, 20:29:46 UTC
It's really not the special effects that are doing anythjing for me. And frankly, special effects in a TV show typically still look like crap. It's the cinematography, I think. The scope. It looks more vast.

It's really evident when watching The Eleventh Hour. There's just a greater sense of space and reality of the sets like Amy's backyard. It's hard to explain it properly but every other Who episode I've watched from the earlier seasons had a greater feeling of artificiality. This season feels more grounded somehow.


zanthinegirl August 8 2010, 23:46:04 UTC
Possibly because season 5 was shot in HD and the previous seasons weren't?

Just a thought, from someone who loved season 5 and also 1-4!


penny_lane_42 August 8 2010, 23:46:11 UTC
It's gorgeous, isn't it? I know exactly what you mean.


angearia August 8 2010, 23:54:38 UTC
Oh, of course you see it, too! No one else seems to get what I'm saying, but... it's there. It's different. It's more grand and gorgeous.

There's something about the way the earlier seasons is shot that makes it feel small and a bit cheap to me. I don't know how else to say it.


penny_lane_42 August 8 2010, 23:58:23 UTC
I remember saying the same thing when I watched the first episode of the season--almost gasping aloud at how rich and glorious it looked. Sooooo pretty!

And yeah, the other seasons look much cheaper and low-budget. But this one was gorgeous.


angearia August 9 2010, 00:01:04 UTC
Ahhh, yes! I'm so happy you agree. And I just rewatched The Eleventh Hour last night and it's that sense of space, you know? Or how later on they reintroduce River Song by just shooting her shoes. There's these little things that make it more special.

It's not the HD. It's the way the camera is being used to frame the entire piece. And I also feel like they're making the most of the outside shots and the scenery. Amy's backyard is gorgeous.

This is my only Who icon and it's getting a workout!


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