Time Travel

Jul 10, 2010 13:47

I've been watching Terminator: the Sarah Connor Chronicles on Netflix streaming and just finished the Season 2 episode Self-Made Man.

(spoilers for Dollhouse Season 2 within)

Spoilers for Terminator:TSCC and Dollhouse )

tv, t:scc

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Comments 33

xc_runner50 July 10 2010, 18:22:01 UTC
There was a Terminator television show? How come nobody told me this. Kind of important scifi show for me to watch, what with me being a big scifi fan and all.


angearia July 10 2010, 19:10:00 UTC
You should watch it! It's great fun. Do you have Netflix?


xc_runner50 July 11 2010, 01:42:12 UTC
Nope but I have other unsavory but useful ways to watch the show. I will definitely put it on my to watch list.


ghostyouknow27 July 10 2010, 18:24:46 UTC
I haven't watched Sarah Conner Chronicles (yet), but even though I don't want to give up "Belonging" (which I think is one of the best episodes of television I've seen in a long time) or Victor-as-Topher, I'm not sure Dollhouse deserved its second season.

The show had a lot of potential, but it had so many problems. I don't expect perfection from a Joss Whedon show (though Firefly's about as good as it gets, IMO), but I don't expect boredom, either. The first part of both seasons is just cringe-inducing.

Also, I hated the end of "Epitaph Two."


angearia July 10 2010, 19:15:52 UTC
I agree about Belonging being an excellent hour of TV. And I wouldn't want to lose that. But yeah, I'm not sure it deserved it's second season. I can forgive the cock-ups of the first season, but instead of finding their footing in the second season, they completely lost it again when they freaked out about cancellation and tried to fit every major plot point for the next five years into a few episodes. Baaaaad idea.

The sad thing is that I feel little to no desire to rewatch Dollhouse and I own the first season. I even tried rewatching it and I got bored.


ghostyouknow27 July 10 2010, 19:31:28 UTC
Yeah, I own Buffy, Angel and Firefly - and have absolutely no desire to rewatch Dollhouse ( ... )


madcap_shiny July 10 2010, 18:30:45 UTC
I might give a molar or two for s3 of SCC. I'm just sayin'.

Cameron = always my favorite forever, but really I love them allllll. I even really enjoyed RIley after it became clear what her actual agenda was and how she was in no way the 'normal' foil to the show that she was initially set up as.

Also, I know she's not that popular, but oh man Jesse might come in second place after Cameron for me. ♥____________♥ I DON'T KNOW, I JUST LOVE HER A LOT.

Also also: Allison Young. Just. Yeah. Only one episode to her name, but she totally won my heart. I wish we knew more about her.


angearia July 10 2010, 19:31:53 UTC
Hee! I just wish someone super talented and awesome would write some fic for me. Oh, speaking of, have you read aisalynn's SCC fic? It's awesome! I urge you to go seek her out. She's very talented. In fact, I might go read some of her SCC stuff now that I'm really in the mood. Or maybe write another one.

Oh, CAMERON. I love her. I love her exploring and developing her humanity. Self pimp.

Yes, I want to know Allison Young. More, more, more. And I want to see John interacting with her. Please, please, please.

You know, I'm less a huge fan of Jesse, but I still kinda like her. For some reason she really bothered me the first time around because I didn't like her being against Cameron. But... I think my feelings on her are changing? Maybe. :)


madcap_shiny July 10 2010, 20:07:28 UTC
I have not read her before, so thank you! I'm always on the lookout for good SCC fic; I have hordes of it bookmarked in case you want recs. :)

Yo, BSG, I'm real happy for you, and I'mma let you finish, but SCC had the best robots of ALL TIME. I love everything Cameron's arc chooses to be! Also, John Henry and Catherine Weaver. And heh, that ficlet is so canon.

I just find Jesse so fascinating, even though she has this nefarious plot to indirectly kill my favorite character and break up my OTP. ;) I can understand her motives, though, and the way she's become this bitter, angry person just hits my fannish buttons. SHE JUST WANTS TO WIN THE WAR AND BE WITH DEREK WHEN THE WORLD ENDS, OKAY. ;_; In my personal canon she escapes when Derek tries to shoot her and later has to team up with Sarah so they can save John and Cameron's chip from the future. I mean, even ignoring all the fab character interaction, the irony would be delicious.


simonf July 10 2010, 18:35:17 UTC
"but they managed to stay the course and deliver a great season and even end on one hell of a cliffhanger that just opened up the story to infinite possibilities"

I think that approach drew a lot of fire from many TSCC fans from what I recall. There were accusations that the show creator refused to give the show closure and delibrately led the fans on to believe that some sort of resurrection was possible. As for the show itself, it rapidly became background tv for me in the same way Bones did. Though I will say that Garret Dillahunt was fantastic in it. By the end I was mainly watching it for him.

As for Dollhouse season 2, someone described the show as "the movie version of its own book" which I think is fairly apt. As for me, the second season felt like a cross between Angel season 4 and Serenity. A rollercoaster ride that tried to cram a lot of stuff in and skated over characterisation development in favour of plot development. But it was a glorious must-see tv event.


angearia July 10 2010, 18:50:30 UTC
I was happy with Dollhouse up through the DC two-parter, then things started to get shaky for me. And the fast-forward run towards the finish completely kicked me off the emotional train. I was left watching, instead of experiencing. So the show managed to piss me off instead. :-/

Heh. "Move version of its own book." So, like the movie version of Lord of the Rings if it could only be told in one two-hour span?

A rollercoaster ride that tried to cram a lot of stuff in and skated over characterisation development in favour of plot development.

It was a rollercoaster ride that lost control and jumped off the tracks and never managed to get back on firmly. I was tossed off and left hanging, watching it veer wildly down its perilous incline to the finale destination. It's a sorry thing when a story leaves you behind.

As for the show itself, it rapidly became background tv for me in the same way Bones did.And yet I'm rewatching T:SCC and enjoying it, yet when I bought Dollhouse S1 and couldn't get past the pilot. And that was ( ... )


2maggie2 July 10 2010, 18:46:37 UTC
Totally agree with you. I can't quite regret rooting for DH season 2, because Dollhouse had such great potential. But it failed so badly it's clear with 20/20 hindsight we'd have been better off with TSSC 3.

I don't think I had a favorite character, per se. They'd all grown on me quite a lot by the end. And the finale just left me wanting more.


angearia July 10 2010, 18:58:09 UTC
Oh, yay! Glad we agree. (We can agree about other stuff besides Spike! :p)

Yeah, I can't quite regret rooting for DH to get renewed because it held such great potential, but it failed to deliver and looking back, I want to watch T:SCC Season 3 now.

On my rewatch, I'm finding that I like all the characters, too. I remember being annoyed with Riley and Jesse the first time around, but now I find them interesting and I understand where they're coming from. And I feel bad for Riley, she's far more sympathetic than I remembered. Cameron's the one I'm most fascinated to watch, but I love seeing how she interacts with everyone. I love the Sarah/John dynamic. Derek, too.

Also, I love the music. The strings and the bass.


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