Friday Night Lights

May 30, 2010 16:49

 Netflix has Friday Night Lights up so I decided to give it another try.  I kinda got bored with the first few minutes of the pilot the last time I tried watching, but this time I think I was in the right mood for the football town extravaganza.

Spoilers for Season 1 )

tv, friday night lights

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angearia May 31 2010, 00:37:39 UTC
There's an authenticity to the show that I very much appreciate. It's similar to how I feel about The Good Wife. You know, I find it interesting how I've become so attracted to authentic drama after so much Season 8 wank.

I actually really like Riggins already. There's not much there yet, but I can see how delving into his character will get very interesting. Mostly, I just don't like how Tyra is set on being cruel at times, which seems prompted by her own insecurities. But I do like some bits from her and she's growing on me with her defense of her mom and her hanging out with Julie. It's just... Spike was set on being cruel at times, but it was something where you can almost laugh with him or dismiss it as a character flaw. Tyra's not as bad, but it still bothers me a bit. I do like seeing her so comfortable with her anger, but I wish she didn't seem so bent towards pettiness.


hkath May 30 2010, 21:23:49 UTC
Yay, FNL love! Looking back, it's really hard for me to distinguish what happened when, so I'll be safe and not pick out any specific moments to squee over. I felt pretty much the same way about Smash during the first season, and I think it's just that his role in the show is really uneven at first. You don't get to know him well enough to be able to love him through his bad choices. But from the second season on, he was one of my favourites, so hang in there ( ... )


angearia May 31 2010, 00:44:32 UTC
Haha, I'm looking forward to seeing how Landry and Tyra develop. I did love Landry tutoring Riggins--that was hilarious!

And thanks for the warning about S2. I won't let it get me down.


penny_lane_42 May 30 2010, 21:40:10 UTC
TAMI AND MATT. YES. FAVORITES. I love them both so, so much.

And I'm gonna say, "I like Tyra, her arc gets really interesting later on." :D

I can't stand Buddy Garrity. He's exactly the kind of person who'll drive me crazy. But he's a flat-out fantastic character and incredibly well-acted.

Honestly, I'm having a hard time remember when things happened in the timeline, so I'm just gonna FLAIL FLAIL FLAIL with love for this show and remind myself that I need to catch up on it.


angearia May 31 2010, 00:39:39 UTC
Are they your favorites too?! YAY. I love Tami and Matt. Matt just got kidnapped by the Rally girls for that calendar shoot and Julie found out and Matt lied about it, and I was just all gnriwoghoire noooo! because I love those two together.

Buddy doesn't bother me as much. He's def got that flavor of Good Ole Boy, but he doesn't seem to be vindictive or hateful and I like that distinction.


penny_lane_42 May 31 2010, 00:43:56 UTC
YES THEY ARE. And Matt and Julie are adorable in the extreme. They would probably fall into my Innocent Sweetness category of ships along with Victor/Sierra and Mac/Cassidy (before the truth came out about Cassidy *sniff*).

I do agree about the distinction: he's just got a way about him that drives me craaaaaaazy. It's not the Good Ole Boy-ness of him, it's how he sticks his nose into everybody's business all the time and thinks he needs to run everything ever. But I do think he's a brilliant character and not at all a stereotype I see often.

I finished the first season of TWW last night and I will probably be making a long reaction post soon. ;D It will include much flailing and squeeing, you'll be gratified to know.


angearia May 31 2010, 00:46:26 UTC
I have no other thoughts because said this:

I finished the first season of TWW last night and I will probably be making a long reaction post soon. ;D It will include much flailing and squeeing, you'll be gratified to know.



eowyn_315 May 30 2010, 22:12:25 UTC
Yay! I love when people I like start watching shows I like. :)

Anyway, totally agreed on Tami and Matt being awesome. I also have a soft spot for Julie, because I was so incredibly just like her when I was that age. There's so much about family in this show - and families of all types, which is nice - and that's what sucks me in so hard. I especially love the Taylors, because it just proves that you absolutely CAN have good drama and conflict within an established couple, without ever threatening to break them up.

I didn't like Tyra much either at first, but she definitely does have an interesting arc. I feel like they introduced these female characters without knowing what to do with them at first, other than as girlfriends of the team members. But they definitely grow as the show goes on.


angearia May 31 2010, 00:40:51 UTC
I definitely see that how the girlfriends aren't quite integrated into the drama yet. Even Julie is in the girlfriend phase with Matt, but I love them together.

And word to the Taylors being great drama. So true.


brunettepet May 30 2010, 22:39:27 UTC
I honestly don't have any favorite characters for this show. Most shows give too much weight to the teenagers and I think this strikes a balance between the teenagers and their parents without anyone ever truly being the bad guy. It feels very honest to relationships and how difficult it is to be a parent and a son/daughter.

This is my favorite show on now. It's well written and acted and the characters are flawed but likable. Even when Tim Riggins and Tyra are screwing up big time, I'm pulling for them as though they were children of a friend. That's a good relationship to have with characters.


angearia May 31 2010, 00:41:41 UTC
I pretty much enjoy them all, but the ones who I care about most are Tami and Matt for sure.

It's a great show, I'm looking forward to watching more and finishing Season 1 soon.


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