I love VD

May 15, 2010 20:15

I mean, I love TVD aka The Vampire Diaries.  What?  You're still backing away from me slowly while sniggering?  SHUT UP.

No, wait, come back!  I want you to read about why I like this show.  Okay, I like vampires.  I do!  And what's great about this show is that it dives into the mythology and explores the nooks and crannies without hesitation.  The ( Read more... )

tv, the vampire diaries

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Comments 47

madcap_shiny May 16 2010, 00:37:51 UTC
Man, I need to see this show. Everyone on my flist talks about how awesome it is despite initially seeming like another Twilol cash-in and ACK I want in on the looooooooove, yo. ;_; (ETA: Also, Katerina Graham is pretty and I sort of want to be her?! Ahaha. Bonnie is my obligatory love-them-before-I-watch-the-show character.)


angearia May 16 2010, 00:40:41 UTC

Do you need links, bb? I'll happily provide. :)


madcap_shiny May 16 2010, 00:52:43 UTC


angearia May 16 2010, 00:54:52 UTC
I get mine here! Enjoy! And I'd totally love it if you posted your thoughts as you watched.


kudagirl May 16 2010, 00:39:16 UTC
I was wary about watching The Vampire Diaries because I really hate Twilight. I find Bella/Edward boring as all get out. I haven't read the books of Twilight or The Vampire Diaries. I only have seen the first movie of Twilight. Since I miss BTVS/Angel so badly, I gave The Vampire Diaries a chance. I'm so happy I did.

TVD is so fast paced and has such great twists and turns. I adore Damon, Jeremy, Bonnie and Alric. I even like Elena which surprised me. I love scenes with Stefan and Damon. I so ship Damon with about half of the cast of characters. LOL. I love the snarky dialogue and how characters do get killed off.


angearia May 16 2010, 00:41:58 UTC
Right there with you. I'm amazed at how much I enjoy all the characters (of course Damon is my fave, he makes every scene better and works well with all the characters--Yay Damon & Alaric buddycop movie!).


cal_turner May 16 2010, 00:46:43 UTC
Right there with you! I can't believe just how quickly I've fallen in love with Damon Salvatore this show. And that finale - wow! I can't wait for S2.

As for fic, there are a couple of communities posting it, but I can't vouch for how good it is: tvd_fic and damon_elena

If you find any good stories, let me know! :)


angearia May 16 2010, 00:48:59 UTC
Thanks for the comm heads up! And yes, it was surprising in that delightful way how quickly I fell for Damon this show.


angearia May 16 2010, 00:55:42 UTC
Okay, so I found one that's good so far. It's a character study for Bonnie.


cal_turner May 16 2010, 00:58:16 UTC
Thanks for the link. :)

Also, thanks for the video links. They're fabulous!


dawnofme May 16 2010, 00:50:48 UTC
I love this show with a passion! LOL! And I was like you, thinking it was going to be some cheesy twilight crap. But boy, five episodes in and I was calling myself a fan!

Have you seen Ian on Young Americans as Hamilton? Now Jake and Hamilton are another AMAZING couple. I'd say they are up there with Spike/Buffy Logan/Veronica and Damon/Elena (I also ship Damon/Alaric which is weird because I'm not usually a slash goggles kind of fan). Although Jake and Hamilton are a different dynamic. I believe all the episodes are on youtube. Ep.4 is my favorite. The kiss ties with Logan and Veronica's first kiss as the best first kiss ever.

I agree about the writing and the pacing. Great stuff! Then add the hotnes of Damon and bam! I'm in love with another show, like I haven't been since BTVS.


angearia May 16 2010, 01:31:07 UTC
Word! And yeah, I'm not sure I'm slashing Damon/Alaric but wow are they great together on screen.

I've never seen Young Americans, but now I'm curious and I'll have to look it up.


dawnofme May 16 2010, 02:40:17 UTC
Found good youtube vids for Jake and Hamilton. No use watching the all the other parts. Just the Jake/Hamilton stuff. :) Ian S. is just so pretty. Even when he was a bit younger. And watching this show and this pair makes you realize how good of an actor Ian is, because Hamilton and Damon are totally different characters.

1/3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f_DnqsmTlHk
2/3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oBD2wBfpddo&feature=related
3/3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PwxXPHxHZFc&feature=related


angearia May 16 2010, 02:49:08 UTC
Oh, thank you! That's so wonderful of you. ♥


penny_lane_42 May 16 2010, 01:22:04 UTC
Not reading the bulk of your post, but let me just say that I saw the pilot and wasn't impressed. BUT! Someone on my flist has been campaigning for me to watch it and says it gets awesome, and I believe her, so the fact that you clearly agree makes me think that yes, I'll give it another try.

Just...not at the moment. I'm madly obsessed with Being Erica right now.


angearia May 16 2010, 01:26:59 UTC
It'd be great to watch over the summer!

I watched a bunch of Being Erica last night and I like it, but I don't think I've completely fallen for it yet. I think sometimes it moves a bit too slowly for me, but that might just be 'cause of the mood I'm in right now.


penny_lane_42 May 16 2010, 02:39:19 UTC
The episode that really got me was the wedding episode because it went in a completely different direction than I thought it would. It was the first time in a while that a show outright shocked me with its unexpectedness--not a big Sixth Sense style twist, but a real-life kind of moment. Have you seen that one yet? That's the one I rambled about in post.

I've also been really impressed at its continuity--there was a moment in the pilot that made me kind of uncomfortable, and it totally becomes a huge plot point in the last episode of the first season and the first episode of the second. That made me flaily.

I hope you do end up loving it. But if not--hey, it's not gonna be for everyone, right?


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