BSG Thoughts

Apr 01, 2010 04:40

So do I need to be on guard against every new character?  Because yeah, I liked one of them in the most recent episode I watched and BAM.  Cylon.  I'm zooming through Season 2 at the moment.

Spoilery Rambling Discussion of Season 2 )

tv, bsg

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Comments 65

deird1 April 1 2010, 08:49:17 UTC
I did love that show.

All two seasons of it.


ever_neutral April 1 2010, 08:52:13 UTC
Good rambling!

("No, you love me. You can't take it back. There's no take-backs!"/"You're dreaming it!"/"You love me!"/"Dreamer!")

I ::heart:: this scene. Starbuck/Apollo BFF-ness <<<333

I was never that interested in Galactica!Sharon, but I did always like Rebel!Sharon. Interesting that you find her untrustworthy. She's very sympathetic particularly in the second half of the season.

I found Ellen annoying as hell at first, but I actually grew to love her and Tigh. Not spoiling!
And yeah, Gaius is probably at his most unlikeable in season 2. He grows more sympathetic again next season though.

when he chased Gaeta in the restroom to be his case while they were in adjacent stalls. Hilarious!

Funniest scene in the entirety of the show. Gaeta/Felix <3

Glad you're enjoying!


beer_good_foamy April 1 2010, 09:00:00 UTC
Dee, Gaeta and Billy are pretty awesome, yeah.

I actually do like Sharon, though it took a while for her to grow on me and I still probably prefer Boomer. Whatever problems BSG may have, character development isn't* one of them.

* With a bunch of caveats that we can get into after you've finished.


flake_sake April 1 2010, 09:01:49 UTC
The first two seasons are damn good and really fun.


eilowyn April 1 2010, 11:18:43 UTC
Starbuck is that close #2 that almost matches Buffy for the Awesome Girl Power Awesomeness award (right up there with Veronica Mars rounding out the Blonde Trifecta of Awesome Girl Power Awesomeness Characters). Watching Starbuck/Apollo is kinda like watching Spike and Buffy with the genders reversed - he's the straight laced leader while she's his hot shot smart ass number two guy ( ... )


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