FIC: Journalism Ethics (1/2)

Mar 19, 2010 20:50

Title: Journalism Ethics
Summary: Rainy days are the best time for spreading tall tales.
Fandom: Community
Characters/Pairing: Ensemble, Troy and Abed (friendship), Jeff/Annie
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1,916
Warning: Mild spoilers through 1x16 Communication Studies.
A/N: This story was created for a three-tiered prompt:

- Umbrella, Troy and Abed ( ( Read more... )

community, fic

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Comments 31

dearygirl March 20 2010, 01:58:22 UTC
Okay. This? Was amazing. I was laughing so hard I was crying. Jeff peed on Annie, tasteful anti-drug decorations, Vaughan's twitter name... all of it was genius.

Thank you.


penny_lane_42 March 20 2010, 02:12:13 UTC
Oh, yes! I was gonna love on Vaughan's twitter name, too! Hee!


angearia March 20 2010, 03:54:36 UTC
I can't express how delighted I am to know you enjoyed it! Really and truly. ♥


penny_lane_42 March 20 2010, 02:11:03 UTC
Sorry, hon! I was really looking forward to looking this over for you, but family stuff happened.

This is so fun! I love your Troy and Abed characterizations, especially: you nailed their BFF relationship. And the umbrellas! Too cute the way they are so character-revealing!

“The UST is off the charts. It’s the sort of tension that would demand an array of het fanfiction ranging in genre from fluff to PWP.”
BRILLIANCE. Abed so would know all about fic!

Plus, I also really love the situation: the way the "rumors" get out of control is just so, so Community. And I could really tell that you loved writing it--it shines through.

Please tell me that this means we might get more Comm-fic from you in the future? *bats eyelashes*


angearia March 20 2010, 04:18:54 UTC
Don't worry about it, sweetie! Always & forever ♥

I was like, scared to write this. No, really. I've been watching BtVS since back in 1997, so I figured that I was good at it because it basically lived in my brain. And I don't even know the episode names for all of Community. I had to look up Community wiki to get all the basic facts laid out before me. And combining all three prompts and making it an ensemble--it's like I was trying to make it harder! Madness ( ... )


aint2proud2beg March 20 2010, 02:18:23 UTC
OMg that was amazing! That entire thing with Pierce talking about Jeff and golden showers in the beginning killed me! Excellent job!

Also, brownie points for your Buffy-related journal page. I miss those shows. :(


angearia March 20 2010, 04:22:38 UTC
Oh, thank you so much! I've got the hugest grin!

Also, brownie points for your Buffy-related journal page. I miss those shows. :(

There'll only a DVD away, bb. Reach out. Relive the magic. ;-)


eilowyn March 20 2010, 02:28:54 UTC
“The UST is off the charts. It’s the sort of tension that would demand an array of het fanfiction ranging in genre from fluff to PWP.”

I am somehow validated by the certainty that Abed has an lj for fan works.

Brilliant characterization and dialogue. Vaughn should write a song about you.


angearia March 20 2010, 04:24:12 UTC
Oh, Abed totally has an LJ. Or more like he's a walking, talking LJ. He's totally spouting out quotes and comparing real life situations to TV the way we do here in fandom. ONE OF US. ONE OF US.

This is no doubt why he feels so kindred. :P

Thanks so much! *blushes*


crackers4jenn March 20 2010, 02:49:51 UTC
Holy crap! THIS IS AMAZING! If I sat here and tried to pick out a line that had me doubled over with laughter, I'd be here all night. So spot-on hilarious! I couldn't even tell you whose voice you nailed best, because the answer is ALL OF THEM. The way you introduced each of the characters into the fic was so clever, and a lot of fun to read. And Pierce's Twitter stuff! (Oh man, I laughed good and hard at @Vaughan<3Earth You heard Annie and Jeff r down with the dirrrty? All my sympathy, ex-boyfriend. Lulz! SO, SO, SO HILARIOUS.) And Shirley being all concerned about Britta's pill habit! And Annie getting all tough on Pierce! THE LINGERING ARM AROUND THE SHOULDER!

Really, excellent job! And I'm soooo happy with how you filled out my prompt. Thank you!


angearia March 20 2010, 04:32:57 UTC
Aaaaaaaaaaand my night is now complete. Thank you, lady! I felt extra pressure to deliver considering how you've taken to writing Community fic like a duck takes to water (and then terrifies Troy which I know you didn't meant to because we all love Troy). So I'm happy/ecstatic/relieved to know that my first C-fic (what, no?) wasn't a complete and utter failure that made people want to stab their eyes out. (Uh, sleep deprived me is kinda loopy. :P)



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