Jul 01, 2004 11:24
wow so tired.. this week is like soo crazy because of recital and stuff.. its pretty fun though but like it feels like its going by really fast.. robbie came to watch on tuesday.. lol i was really happy and nervous bout that but i didnt let him catch on to that.. it was all good though cause i smiled and danced and didnt mess up..that much lol.. brie came too since shawn bailed.. i love her soo much lol shes very energetic and is always entertaining to watch lol kim definantly agrees..so anyway yesterday nicole and josephine came so that was cool but i hate the darn place we have are dressing room this year.. like we set up right infront of a door that leads to the cafiteria soo people just randomly walk in wile were changing and we all have been quite pissed bout that so i had kim bring paper makers andtape so we could make signs to hang up on the other side not to come in.. which doesnt work either cause now they do it to piss us off lol.. but besides that all is good. been hangin wit kim zoe sam and colleen the past 3 days and will again tonight..even though i cant wait for this week to be over i styll love it at roseland even though i sey other wise occasionally.. i saw the video tapes of other dance schools and well... they suck..a bit..yeah..so i am and always be a roslander lol. besides dance nothing else has really been happening, schools stressin me out and its only the beggining of summa.. im getting stressed out bout what kims doin cause i really want her to go to school with me.. anyway enough talkin.. ill have some pics from recital soon!! happy july 1st!!!