I am lion here me roooar! Had a freakin crazy week. Work is mad been starting early in the mornings. worked 12 hours on Wednesday 8am-8pm i was dead by the end of the night. Yesterday was pretty much the same but finished usual time.
Went to the Little theatre with Lou, Mel, Ann- Marie & Kane last night and picked up our costumes for Lou's 19th tomorrow night..man can't wait! While i was there i thought i may as well put my name in for helping out with maing props & stuff for the little theatre...would be something good to put into my folio for uni. Anyway mel, lou & I mucked around at soccer for about half an hour..it was dumb.
Might be heading off on a weekend to The Mount on the 20th which should be cool..be good to get a way for a weekend at the beach for once. Oh yea and in that same week Wellington Massey is havin there open day so might be busing down there the day before & going to that too. So we'll see...woo stuff to look foward to. ARRG IM GOING CRAZY! RIGHT IM OFF! TOODLES!
It's about time I introduced my gorgeous man who i've met, this is Bobby...
One big heart full of sweetness, who makes me crazy my heart is truely stolen. Teehee he's the most amazing thing since sliced cheese...actually before that too. lol ;-P
Sorry I've kinda kept this low key, but its a developing thing (^-^) xoxo.