Apr 24, 2005 18:19
This weeks gone pretty darn good. Worked all week and on Thursday night picked up Mel & went to soccer practice, there weren't many of us there..bout 8-10 but it was fun.
On Saturday Nic drove me & Mel over to Lou's hostel at Student village to stay there the night before our game in the morning. Had heaps of fun there walked down to liquorland & brought a few drinks then came back & ordered some pizza aaand absolutely stuffed ourselves full. Hung out in her room for most the night & mingled with her cool neighbours & their friends they were funny as & real nice.
Didn't get a hell of a lot of sleep coz we seemed to wake up every hour or so with people stumbling in from the hilly or just coz we were simply just too awake! Even resulted in us having a 3am munch on cold pizza or pepsi lol...so weird. Lou who was talking in her sleep was pretty much our entertainment for the rest of the morning :P teehee sorri loubeelou.
Anyhoo got up & ready for soccer at about 9.15 this morning & walked down to the soccer grounds. Played the Unicol girls & won 1-0 was a real good game. Mel, Lou and I headed back & got changed then walked down to the Hilly where we had an aftermatch get together. Walked back to the room again & went home with Mel's mum from there.
Spent this afternoon at Mel's playin pool (which yes indeed i am reining champ in!) teehee well for now :p but that was ok coz she cained me in Need for speed on playstation. Dad picked me up & i drove home and that's about my week 4 ya. So it's turned out pretty good..even tho the long weekend isn't over yet i'm sure i'll spend tomorow just being lazy & sleeping :P
OK ciao later luf u xox