A viable alternative to the current healthcare reform options

Sep 05, 2009 18:04

So, I got tired of the party-politics and finger-pointing, fear-mongering and complaining that the healthcare issue in this country has spawned. I don't think ANYONE would argue that something needs to be done to help those without access to care get care without going broke. However, I personally feel very strongly that the solution is NOT to make those of us who ARE doing OK and happy with what we have pay for those who don't have it.

I have been in discussion after discussion (on Facebook) on this issue, only to be either insulted or asked, "So what's your alternative?" I don't think I was expected to HAVE an alternative - that seems to be the default comeback to anyone who is opposed to the plan/plans currently being discussed.

Well, I have one. I spent an hour or so this afternoon typing up a brief summary of my plan; it's 5+ pages. I won't go into the details now (mainly because I actually think it's a damned good idea, and I want to get the credit if anything comes of it...) ;)   I will say that my alternative would provide quick and easy access to both preventative and acute care services to those who do not have private health insurance or money to self-pay, but would have NO IMPACT WHATSOEVER on the healthcare plans of those who ARE currently happy with their health insurance coverage. It would also NOT have any detrimental effect on either our taxes or the national deficit (kiss those projected trillions in added debt goodbye!), and would actually also have a HUGE positive effect on the national economy and create thousands of new jobs in EVERY state.

I spent most of the afternoon emailing/web-mailing my alternative plan to my MI Senators/Representatives, then to the REST of the US Senators (with the exception of those few whose webmail forms limited text input to under 10,000 characters). I tried to send it to President Obama as well, but his web-mail will not allow a very long comment either - I guess he doesn't want to hear from any of us "at length", LOL.

I also sent it to Bill O'Reilly and to Glenn Beck. Though I'm an Independent, I thought I'd send it to the folks at Fox because they're more likely to at least READ the damned thing without deleting it. ;)

So, will anyone read it at all? Will anyone even consider bringing a discussion of a well-thought-out plan that helps EVERYONE and hurts NO ONE, without raising taxes/debt and creating new jobs?!?!? I have no idea. I hope so. But I defy anyone to say there is no longer an alternative to the current nightmare of a reform plan being bandied about. Let's fix the REAL PROBLEMS, and stop playing party politics and blame games.

Stay tuned and keep your fingers crossed.


politics, healthcare reform

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