Jun 10, 2009 12:16
H-hello? Is anybody there?
I... I think I have gotten lost! Maybe this wasn't such a good idea...
[a pause, and some rustling]
It's rather hard to move in this dress... oh!
[ooc: So! Yes, Rinoa is a ~princess~ today. Basically she's run away from home because her father is a tyrant? Yay for closely-connected-to-canon ideas. Action is open for anyone in Xanadu or anyone who wants to stalk terrorise help her out. And she has her powers during this curse, too, because y'know; princesses with magic powers are cool. Also, this is backdated to... several hours ago.]
kind of canon rlly,
princess tiemz,
curses abound,
alien planet?,
can haz a knight now?,
all ur base are belong to rinoa