May 15, 2005 00:36
i have nothing better to do.
Have you ever...
[x]Snuck out of the house
[x]Played spin the bottle
[x]Toliet-papered someones house/property
[x]Smashed mailboxes with baseball bat
[x]Tutored someone
[x]Called the cops
[x]Eaten Filet Mignon
[x]Had a crush on a teacher or a coach...
[x]Played poker
[x]Liked someone but never told them
[x]Sat on your (sun)glasses and broke them
[x]Went camping in your backyard
[x]Got an autograph
[x]Had a crush on your brother's friend
[x]Walked in the rain with no umbrella
[x]Been in a talent show
[x]Started laughing for no reason at a bad time
[x]Worn something your mom didn't approve of (story of my life lol)
[x]Been to a nude beach
[x]Cursed in a church/CCD
[x]Hacked into someones computer (well, with the help of someone)
[x]Been called a slut for kissing someone
[x]Burnt yourself with a curling iron
[ ]Wanted to be a police officer
[x]Dumped someone
[x]Been hit on by someone too old
[x]Bought lottery tickets
[x]Made out in a car
[x]Looked through your brothers/sisters stuff
[x]Said something bad about someone who was near you
[x]Cried during a movie
[x]Wanted something you couldn't have
[x]Seen someone shoplift
[x]Yelled at your pet
[ ]Gotten seasick
[x]Had a stalker
[ ]Played a prank on someone that had them really scared
[x]Been embarrassed by your family
[x] Felt bad about eating meat
[x]Saved a life
[x]Ate just because you were bored
[x]Looked at something everyone thought was ugly and said "aww!"
[x]Tried to teach your dog "sick em"
[x]Screamed in a library
[ ]Made out with a stranger
[x]Wished a part of you was different
[x]Asked a guy/girl to dance
[x]Laughed so hard you cried
[x]Went up to a complete stranger and started talking
[x]Been sunburned
[x]Kicked a guy in the nuts
[x]Woke someone up by screaming in their ear
[x]Received an anonymous love letter
[x]Had to wear something you hated
[x]Had to pretend to like a present you hated
[x]Had a really bad haircut
[x]Saw your ex and wanted to kick his//her ass momentarily only
[x]Cursed in front of your parents
[x]Been out of your country
[x]Been honked at by some guy/girl when you were walking down the sidewalk
[x]Won at pool
[ ]Went on a diet
[ ]Been lost out to sea
[x]Been told an extremely stupid line
[x]Played truth-or-dare
[x]Been dared to make out w/ someone of the same sex
[x]Cut class
[ ]Cheated on your boy/girl friend
[x]Been pulled over by a cop
[x]Been attacked by seagulls
[x]Been searched at an airport
[x]Gotten lost at the beach/boardwalk
[x]Thrown a shoe at someone
[x]Sung in the shower
[x]Done something really stupid that you still laugh about
[x]Been walked in on when you were dressing
[ ]Ran out of a movie theater cause you were too scared of the movie
[ ]Been kicked out of a mall
[x]Been mean to someone then instantly wanted to take it back
[x]Got gum stuck in your hair
[x]Spilled your drink on someone on purpose
[x]Been given a detention on the worst day that you could get one
[x]Wanted plastic surgery
[ ]Stood someone up
[ ]Done something stupid when you were drunk
[ ]Fell off your roof
[x]Pretended you were scared so you could cuddle up to someone
[x]Been in a car crash
[x]Had a deer jump in front of your car
[x] Threatened someone with a watergun
your talents
Can you...
[x]Unwrap a starbust with your tongue
[x]Open your eyes underwater
[x]Eat whatever you want and not have to worry
[ ]Iceskate
[ ]Sing in front of a crowd
[x]Be a bitch sometimes
[x] Walk in really high heels
[x]Eat super spicy foods
[x]Play an instrument
[x]Block out what someone is saying if you don't want to hear it
[x]Act like you like somebody you hate
[x]Attract a lot of boys/girls
[ ]Skateboard
[ ]Sleep with lights on
[ ]Touch your nose with your tounge
[x]Fall asleep in a car
[ ]Do the 1,2 step
[x]Blow your nose
[x]Do the cottoneyed joe
[x]Tell when a guy is gay
[x] Play DDR
[ ]Surf
[x]Make yourself cry
[x]Taste the difference between coke and pepsi