Mar 08, 2010 16:41
mind fuck
i was talking to vic about music and how it can take u to a certain level of high that is completely natural without even emphasis of drugs. for some reason, the conversation segued to talking about intellectual orgasms. It is the state of conversation that two individuals are actively talking about topic after topic that it takes you in a state of satisfaction close to orgasmic experience. It is the most wonderful experience that can classified as novelty. Intellectual intercourse different from physically having sex; for one you can’t pay for it, second, you can’t just do it with anyone which is not stimulated enough, third, you can actually do it in public without being reprimanded, lastly, YOU CAN'T FAKE AN ORGASM WITH THIS ONE.
bad influence
I was told I could be a bad influence. I begged to disagree! i mean first of all there is a initial debate on what I am presenting is bad to begin with. Second, the fault is not entirely burdened by the influencer. The temptation can be set up but it’s up to the person if s/he’d actually give in. anyway, that person needs to grow up and resist the temptation more than blaming the influencer.
there’s this gig place in BF Paranaque called check point that I wanna check out. The performers are sooooooo surreal.
dress by paula q.
I spoke to this designer who got a scholarship in Parson’s school in New York. I’m going to have a gown designed by her. I was asked what feature would I like to highlight. I particularly liked to highlight my big ass bootie. However that’ll be highlighting on my big ass hips. Anyway, to cut thru the pointless ka-kikayan, I will be relying on her creativity and nurture it if necessary. Bottomline, I’M FUCKIN EXCITED!
i never realize that someone can be supportive over my writing at first conversation even if I confessed I’m a very shy writer. That’s the paradox, I can be very opinionated and outspoken, but I find my writing too provocative and vulgar to share it to others. Anyway, this person tells me that to hell with the others who’ll not appreciate my writing. It’s not as if I promote it that it can get sickening anyway. He’s a poet and his advice to a writer like myself, it can be liberating to put into words what I got in mind. it’s a different experience all together if someone can relate to what I’m writing.
shooting the joy
I got a photo assignment from my photography class and I found my subject. And it’s JOY. I got loads of pictures of me capturing the joy and I want this to be my specialty. Positivity hits home and I love it shoot it.
loss for words adjustment
I was out with my college friends and since I haven’t hanged out with them for a month (plus plus) I forgot how to relate to them. I have to adjust myself on how to talk to them. I guess I hang out with a different crowds with one unifying theme which is why it’s ok to relate to different people. Now they’re all the same and im just different now. Sigh-ness adjustment again.
random things,