The classiest wedding of all time

Dec 21, 2009 15:45

The classiest wedding of all time
Originally uploaded by mllegemaricaineI had fun in Vegas, even though this is the least lucky I have ever been while gambling. So, I don't know if that trip is going to happen. At least I got to see the Vegas version of New York, Paris, and Venice? LOL

Various things of note:
1) The wedding was surprisingly not the most ghetto thing that happened this weekend. My cousin and his friend brought a bottle of whiskey into the restaurant and were pouring themselves shots in wine glasses. And the waiter totally caught them. He was cool about it, but wow, how trashy.

2) I was not even drunk yet, and the heel of my boot was broken, causing me to fall sliding-into-home-style at the casino. I took a slot machine's stool down with me. The forceful way the security guard picked me up let me know he has had experience with this and did not believe my excuse about the shoe.

3) Ka was amazing. It was my first time seeing Cirque du Soleil and I was very impressed.

4) Calderon and I met up to drink on both Friday and Saturday. Thank God or I woulda probably lost more money. hahaha. Kidding, it was good seeing you, dude.

5) I continued my tradition of missing my airport shuttle. Last time I overslept. This time, I lost track of time while gambling. *headdesk*

6) I got hit on a couple of times this weekend. It wasn't by anyone I'd be interested in, but it's still flattering. Sometimes I think there are too many people who look like me in SF (both the Irish heritage thing and the style of dress) that I'd probably have more luck elsewhere. Or maybe I just knew I looked good and gave that vibe off.

7) Even if I lost 40lbs, I would not wear a mini dress with no underwear and 5 inch heels in public. Oh Vegas, you take all kinds.
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