Time Flies

Sep 11, 2004 21:04

I'v been so busy and you all know that I dont stay updated on my journal. After all that shit that happend on hear I didn't feel like bothering to go on hear for awile. But I hope all of that is behind us and we all can just be friends and not hold grudges against each other for things that happend awile ago.

I still cant believe that we are seniors. Wow, like I said time really flies. I dont even know were to start with the whole college thing. It is a little over wenlming to me to think about. I just am trying to take it one day at a time.

School is going good so far. Except my physics class, cause we dont have a really teacher, so it is a little hard to understand what the teacher is talking about. But oh well I have to deal with it until we get some one else. Not that he is a bad teacher but he does not explain things real well.

I'm enjoying Soccer I'm so glad that you are playing meira. I hope that Sarah Jean does not quite. Our season is going to be great. I'm so glad that we have some really games. It is going to be so much fun.

I hope that we all can hang out again some time soon.
It seems like a long time sence we all have hung out, out side of school. We are all so busy though.
Good luck with everything that you all are doing. cya later.
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