Just chillin' at meira house

Jul 08, 2004 20:46

A lot has happen sence last week.
Meira, Sarah-jean and my self though it would be really funny if we played a little joke on Sass. We took her car and moved it to Meira's house . That was not the best thing we could have done. Sass was pissed and would not talk to us that night, and Meira's mom was really mad at us to. I so glad that we had told Allen what we were doing or we might have gotten in so real trouble. I dont think I will ever do something like that again. However I will look back at it and laugh....It was very funny at the time....and you really had to be there to understand why it was so funny.

Sass is not pissed at us any more.

I started working at McDonald's and Hannaford. I really like both jobs but they both seem so long. Tuesday was my first day working at McDonald's with out having some one right there with me. I fucked up to orders. But other then that I did really good. Today was my first day at Hannaford. I did good once I got the hang of it. My back is really hurting though cause I had to stand so long.

We are all going to spend the night at Meira's to night. Should be fun. It's going to be me, Meira, Sarah-jean, lemo and sass. Its going to be fun doing some thing together all of us. Anything can happen when all of us are together.

Lemo is eating an apple and she is chewing really loud....lol.
Sarah-Jean is up to her old tricks.
Meira is laughing.
I think everything is funny right now.
It is a good sign that tonight is going to be great.

talk to ya later

If you what to know.
Lemo(leeanna), Sarah_jean(Sarah hatch), Meira(Cashmeira),& Sass(Sarah Doughty)
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