Mar 08, 2007 17:17
So death-defying experience today. Lukas offered to bring me to my car on his scooter. I'd have to say that the odd positioning for the passenger is rather uncomfortable. The only thing that's cramped me more is sex. I'm really out of shape.
He's seeing someone--sort of. Guy by the name of Matheiu. Quebecois no less. You may wonder how this is possible! Well, he was never averted to long distance interests and I'm rather glad this one's working out well enough for him. He tells me he'll be visiting him next month; very spifftacular. All the same Lukas is happy, which is good. Lukas used to be more dire in years past when he and Kyle were still friends. Lawl Kyle. Ho boy. I'm sure somehow someone somewhere will read this or he will directly and the lawl Kyle will get me some snark. If it doesn't well then, so much the better. All the same, I'd missed seeing Lukas and was going to write him a Facebook message because I'd been a recluse since Joe left me but lo and behold I bumped into him while dropping a pair of worthless classes today.
Such is life! And life is otherwise slow.