Nov 22, 2004 12:18
I kno why mal’x lips are swollen
A tribute to my love: HMM HMMM hmm<< hey u have to respect the bigness<< CRHOME STACKS!!!! Ps. Your little buddy makes me wanna:
BARF I wanna blow chunks in your name sumting sumthing… u make me wana puke ya I wanna puke. <<2 inside jokes at once!
I love chas<
Maybe I just love mr.coztanza NOT!!!!!
Since I kno why mal’s lips are swollen then I am at liability to write BIG AND EXPLOSVE!!! Ya I love mal!!! REALLY!
Ok now to the real journal:
this weekend i had the greatest time of my life..
1.i saw paul <> i mean right there my weekend was complete jkjkjk( we went to the movies to see SPONGEBOB was fricken sold OUT!!!)
2. i hung out w/the love of my life
3. he bought me dinner!! yeah
4. we stayed up and played SONIC till4.15 inthe morning(end of friday)
5. i got 90 buck boots for 60 bucks
6. then i saw the love of my life again
7. then i went to the movies and saw an R rated movie Bridget Jones diary 2
8. then i slept (end of sunday)
well if i havent bored u (b/c u didnt understand my inside jokes) then POST A COMMENT!!! that means u paul!!