Apr 20, 2005 20:44
Today was quite fun..i went to scholl half day yay =] then went to whitneys.. we waited for ppl to come over.. 1st brooke then cassidy then finally lea =] then we got evan and walked to burger king then we saw nick and ben there so we hung out ..then we were done and me cassidy whitney and evan went to evans house..he had like to couches smushed together and me whit and cass made a fort 8] then we just sat on the couch for a while then evan had to go to hockey..so me cassidy and whitney went to whitneys house and put sweat pants on..then we went up to ebeling w/ rachel madonna jackie oliva and adam m. lmfaoo we made a song up =P yeah were cool =]..then me cassidy and whit went to whitneys house and hung out for a while..then me and cassidy left =]
i love you =]