More gushing about work!

Sep 17, 2008 18:44

Wow, so apparently I had stuff to do today, despite the deceptively empty "organiser" I have. But it sure filled up by the end of the day!

I spent many hours being anal about formatting for the brochures, much to my delight - you can not imagine how happy I am that my job is to make sure the alignments are all tidy and the fonts are uniform and all that kinda stuff. I love doing that, which may be why I used to love web design and spent hours trying to make a website look pretty.

I also spent quite some time proofing the annual report and making sure all the edits went through, and corrected any incorrect formatting/word usage. OH!! Imagine my joy at being asked to be picky about all the nitty gritty!!

I think my personality is quite suited for this job and company :P Everyone's really persnickety about everything! And to me, who literally lives for perfection, I'm having the time of my life! It doesn't even matter if I spend hours perfecting the formatting and everything, simply because no two things all THAT urgent/important at the same time! Yayee!

Tomorrow's gonna be busy busy busy. My "organiser" is almost full for tomorrow, and it's not as if it's stuff I couldn't finish today. Yep, everything I have to do tomorrow actually comes in tomorrow. But it's not a big deal, simply because, once again, they're not urgent/important. Ha! <3!

If you were wondering why I put the word "organiser" in quotation marks all the way, it's because it's just made up of loose pieces of scrap paper that I don't have the heart to throw - being caring for the environment and all *snort* it's my way of caring for Earth. So yeah, basically it's just scrap paper clipped together - that's my organiser :P But the office admin very nicely gave me an A4 exercise book to work to use as my new organiser when she found out I was using papers clipped together as my organiser…will probably start using that next week, since I'm weird about order and organisation that way.

squee!, work

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