How would it feel if I stabbed you in the heart
Ripped you limb from limb, fully apart
Nothing will be left, detached, all your flesh
Rotting in a stinking pile, in a mess
Why would you lie and betray my trust
How many times has it happened? I was left to rust
You’re so ignorant, now our relationship is torn
That's the reason why I'm angry, that's why I'm sworn
into silence, into secrecy within myself,
Otherwise I'd chew your head off and place it on my shelf
You weren't there when you were suppose to be my friend
Instead, you toy with my head and break your promises again
You think nothing’s wrong, that everything's okay
You’re unaware that I feel disillusioned everyday
Our relationship is empty, still, you don't have a clue
Why I'm so upset, and why I'm being so cold towards you.