May 13, 2005 20:53
hey yall! JeRoMe Is In IsS! CaN u BeLiEvE? he is always in trouble! wut the hell is his problema? ugh neways 2day was friday the 13 and it was bad cause my aunt rose came.. ugh she ruined my day i cant belive this!!! first jeromes in iss then my aunt rose.. ugh can it get any worse? i hope not! Let me go down my lil scheduale 2day, lol
1st- LEts Just say i love my teacher Mr. Rideout 4ever and ever!
2nd- Mr. Nunoo got on my case as sooon i walked in2 the door, it was funny when i got in there cause joe dalton was huggin me and he wouldnt let go and its startin2 get on ma nerves when he do that and i was tryin 2 push him off, then walter and keenan passed by the room and they was like umm if she tryin 2 push u off that means get off her she dont want u on her like that so let go of her and joe was like make me but he walked off neways, lol that was hilarius and keenan was like yea c u walked away then didnt ya? im sorry yall had to be there 4 those moments!
3rd- me and feran were on the computer racin 2 c who can get done wit the puzzles faster, lol yes we were that bored, plus i left my disk at home wit our work in it!
4th- I actually didnt fall alseep! cause now i gotta pay attention 4 finals!
5th- It was alrite mrs malhmann was crazy like always
6th- i was txtin jerome and talkin 2 crystal the whole time!
7th- didnt do nothing in athletics cus the coaches werent there we just went wit pe and played volleyball and basketball wit them! i just sat there talkin 2 ppl cause i didnt feel like playin nothing! lol
Well thats about it!!! love yall!