Feb 07, 2005 09:40
Alright so Los Pantalones had an interesting weekend. Time for the breakdown:
+Go to Target to get my last paycheck and buy George Strait 50 strait hit or #1's I forget what its called but a badass CD nonetheless.
+Go to Derby and get f**ked up. I honestly have not been that drunk in probably a year.
-/+Lost a contact....while dancing with two hot girls on the bar. yeow!!!
+Eat Whataburger and give people drunken phone calls. Sandy is the only one that answers.
? Wake up at eight in the morning with my pants at my ankles and half my body on my bed. Finally remove rest of clothing and go back to sleep.
+Wake up at 11 and work on homework but fall asleep midway
+Wake up and go to Target with my little bro and take him out to lunch
+Watch 50 first dates (badass movie)
+Go to super bowl parties
-Whine cause Eagles lose
-drive a dumbass friends all across town with my bro cause he left his wife and doesn't have a place to stay.
Oh and last night I had a crazy ass dream. It started of with me visiting this girl Monica (the girl whos married with a kid but wants to have "fun" with me) and so we're doing whatever then her husband shows up and I have to hide and somehow get out. Then I got home but my family is up on the roof of some big ass building so I go up there and all of a sudden the ground starts shaking and people are saying that God has returned and that the world is going to end and all this stuff and I rememberI kept saying out loud was "dammit I knew I shouldn't of jacked off last night". Then I woke up. So I don't know if I would have gone to heaven or not. Well peace out.