Oct 18, 2008 10:10
But last night reminded me. It's amazing what a few good people, a few alcoholic drinks, hard bass and techno music can do to your spirits.
And omfg, we went to some karaoke bar after we got done at "Seven" and I was trashed and was all "I WANNA SING N*SYNC" and everyone loved it because I got soooo into Bye, Bye, Bye. I got on the stage and was so dramatic.
I'm glad I didn't go home with that Japanese chick and white guy my friend Craig went home with. Because the Japanese chick was so into me. It was obvious. She was all "Wow, you're gay? You're sexy. Come home with us."
I may be trashed and singing mainstream 90s pop, but once in a while, my morals remain. And you know the most fucked up part of it? I probably would've gone through with it. Not because I have any desire to sleep with women, but I probably would've done it if the opportunity arose like that. I'm about new experiences. Whether that experience is hitting up Tokyo for New Year's Eve (which is soooo happening. YEAH!!!) or shooting up heroin or having sex with some random, local Japanese chick.