This is what bored college kids do...We climb walls haha <3 my stacey
I love this kid...Brendon is my hero <3 He's my favorite Kappa Sig
We're gangsta yo haha I love Christina. That's our Jersey girlllll...Anywho it's us before the Kappa Sig Crush... "Frenchtown getdownnnn"
Don't be jealous of us....
Kaitlyn, Brendon, Me, Lauren, Christina, and Katie! wooo hoooo haha
Okay so I've found myself hanging out with A LOT of Orlando kids haha k well just Bishop Moore kids. It's weird caus I came to college knowing some of them through friends and now I couldn't be any closer to other people. I heart them so much and this is like my family now. Theres a couple missing from these pictures get the idea. I'll put up more as we go but I thought I would give you a couple pics. They are from tailgating and the Kappa Sig Social haha Yes frenchtown getdownnnn (frenchtown is the crazy ghetto side of tally))
Well I hope to see everyone soon. Thanksgiving is nearrrrr
<3 TR...I heart him...He drives me crazy