Happy Turkey Day (and many other things)

Nov 24, 2005 03:02

Thanksgiving Break is just what I needed. I struck a nice balance between being totally lazy, and getting some work done on my course design project. I have a rough outline for the twelve lessons I will be making, and some ideas for my paper for my culture class.

I realized on Thursday that I forgot to submit a small assignment for my computers in language learning class. Eeek. We were supposed to make a webpage outlining a lesson on ESL from one of our textbooks, but class had to be cancelled on the day we were supposed to present. I wasn't able to finish my page that day due to lack of internet, and I guess it slipped my mind. I emailed my prof about submitting the assignment (though I think by now it will be worth nothing) and I dread hearing back from her.

Frank is licking my right shoulder while I type. I guess tshirts are tasty.

I'm singing along to "No Surprises," inserting meows for most of the lyrics. Yes, I'm a teeny bit odd at this time of night.

Plans for the rest of the weekend:
Dinner with Josh tomorrow.
International Thanksgiving with whoever decides to show up on Friday.
Relax on Saturday, if possible--maybe going to the office for a focused hour or two of work, but otherwise I want to lie around the house and watch movies and crochet scarves.
Sunday: More work on various things--grading, and my own papers. I need to have 8 of my lessons for the course project completed by then, and plan for my classes for the next week.

Also to do: Find the tape that I recorded 80% of my classes' oral quizzes on--they've gone missing!

Going back to reading forums and nursing my hand wound (I put a corkscrew into my left palm, trying to open a really crappy bottle of red wine--it looked yucky but all is ok!)
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