May 24, 2006 15:38
Alrighty. You start by calling to see how long the movie will be, easy enough. And while you're at it, make sure you know exactly how much tickets will be.
You may now proceed to count out exact change for everyone in your group to get tickets. Start by counting out all of your pennies, then your nickels, and dimes, and so forth. In our case we were getting 5 tickets to The Da Vinci Code, and we had 4 free movie passes. Since $1.50 extra is charged for each movie pass used when seeing a big name movie, our total came to $12.50.
From here divide your pile of mixed change into extremely unequal personal piles, and count each individually. Make sure you have the right amount of money and remember exactly how much change was in your personal pile. Fill your pockets with the change you have collected and drive to the movie theater.
When buying tickets the conversation from your side should follow a line similar to this one:
"OK, we'd like 5? (counts people) Yeah, 5 tickets for The Da Vinci Code. And we have 4 movie passes soooo... I guess I have some money... (Pulls big handful of change out of pocket) Yeah, I've got about $2.98 here. Hey Matt! How much money do you have on you?"
"Uhhh, let's see here... I'd say that's about $4.77. Yep, $4.77."
"Ummmm, I have 16 cents!"
"Here's $1.22! I think... yeah, $1.22."
"Ok, this handful is... well, together with this one I'd say it's roughly $3.40. Noooo, more like $3.37."
"Ok, great, that makes $12.50. Question, do you sell hotdogs?"
And that's it. Everything you need to torture the people at the movie theater. Lot's of change, large pockets, the courage of your convictions and a little time and patience to count it all out.