May 29, 2007 08:42
I have 6 days of nothing left before my internship starts. I've been enjoying the freedom the nothingness gives me, but I'm actually really looking forward to having a regular schedule again; without one I tend to forget important daily activities, such as brushing my teeth in the morning. I know, I feel disgusting when that happens. In preparation for a 9-5 workday (not including a long bike commute), I've been getting up much earlier, but somehow getting to sleep before midnight is still impossible. I'm enjoying having my mornings again, but being perpetually beat is kind of annoying. I keep thinking "today is the day that I'll tire myself out so much that I'll be out at 10", but it never is.
I realized this week that I have less than 10 months left to be a teenager. I won't be particularly sad to see it go, but I will miss having the excuse of being a teenager to be mildly annoying to my parents. I've always been a good teen that actually liked my parents, or at least I acted like it. Any bad thing I did, when compared to my sister's teenage antics, was completely reasonable. Soon I'll be 20, and I'll feel doubly stupid and immature acting like a brat from time to time. At 20 I'll have no convenient excuse, or at least I won't feel like I do. Oh well.
I sold balloons at the Memorial Day Parade with my parents and a bunch of SPHS seniors. It was hot and involved a lot of walking and talking to people that I haven't seen in ages, and didn't particularly want to see in some cases. That being said, having accomplished something large-ish by lunchtime felt nice.
The girl I was selling with offered to teach me how to make a quilt, which I've always wanted to do in the back of my mind. Somehow, I feel like this would be a bad time to do that, considering how I've been trying to do things that I know I find interesting, rather than ones that I know others find interesting, in an effort to differentiate myself. This is becoming very difficult, because I've lost the place where the act ends and I begin. "If you look close you can't tell where my nose ends and space begins." I'm not terribly worried about it. I'll come back to myself soon I suppose, but then again, how am I not myself?