Jan 26, 2005 03:27
Today I officially started the trek to sisterhood. I received and accepted a bid, and am now a member of...
Phi Beta Pi.
who would have thought, so little time and so much to think about, I'm sure I will have more thoughts later but i have talked so much in the past 5 days I feel all talked out. After a little "bonding" experience, we went bowling which was fun because it has been a year and i did so bad at first but then it was strikes and spares after that. I am so like emotioned out right now. More later.
They gave us these shirts that are pink and since the symbol of the sorority is like angels (i know i didnt make it up) the front says bid day and the back says
Introducing our spring angels collection.
Hint hint, the victoria secret link. anyways things feel pretty alright. although i now love white cheddar microwave popcorn.