hey hey there's nothing new accept for some artworks,other than that is just alot of work to do..and
not forgetting that happy belated amy!happy 19th bday sorry ya lambat hehe on your bday my pc rosak ehehe and yet to come a-a's birthday on the 12th of april,kakak ni semakin tua hahaha.Anyway here's some new vector art..
vector two Scars From Her Broken Wings
vector tree Forceed Delusions
vector four Future Five Align
some new stuff,what do you guys think of it?come on..i know you guys want to comment on it hahahahaha the first one is kind of sucky hahaah trying out the stuff haha then i pretty much know what to put haha well im bored and sleepy so i shud go to bed.
here's a new one..and i remove vector one haha it sucks haha
vector five Strange Lust
vector six The Jinx_Eye Of A Bleeding Mascara
vector seven The Jinx 2nd Edition_Angels Fate
Vector eight The Jinx 3_Rock Esplande