Dec 04, 2006 02:45
this passed summer i was asked a question and everyone once in a while i'm reminded of it and i'm still completely confused. i was at 7-11 at like 2am and this completely normal looking guy in his 40's or so gets out of his car and walks up to me and says, "excuse me. do you notice anything unusual about the world?" he asked it as if he was looking for a specific answer. not like it was supposed to be question but almost as if he was noticing something strange that nobody else was noticing. i told him i couldn't think of anything and he just calmly says, "oh ok, thank you" and walked either into 7-11 or somewhere else. it totally wasn't weird and thats what makes me think about it so hard. it wasn't some crazy old man. this guy knew something. i wish i knew what it was