Nov 22, 2006 15:31
the past couple days have been crazy. friday class ended and a bunch of us went to ttown for the alabama/auburn game. auburn one of course so afterwards me, stephen, and rachael drove up to nashville. sunday stephen and i met up with fletch and chilled with him and went to his awesome church up there that night. monday we went all around nashville doing whatever we could do and ended the day off with a 1.5hr session at the local skatepark (i brought my new bmx bike with me). we drove to huntsville and stayed the night and woke up and rode a skatepark there for about 2hrs that morning before heading to bham where i stayed and stephen continued on to auburn. so last night i chilled with terran and we went and hung out with preston for a while and chip showed up before we were leaving so it was good to see old friends. we then headed over to the pheonix lofts downtown and met up with bekah and haley but soon left to go up a floor to terran's friends place who was having a party which turned out to be pretty fun. now i'm back in auburn and need to to laundry and such before going to columbus, ga for thanksgiving. so much driving has gone done yet so much has happened so i'm happy. saw lots of family and old friends and the week is only halfway over so i'm hoping there's even more to come.