The Brittany Story, and Taylor and Tori

Jun 29, 2005 02:05

My Brittany Story, and Taylor and Tori

“I just wasn’t fair to her…” I was staring off to the side, a kid was running around driving his mom crazy at the booth across from ours.

“Fair to who?” Tyler had that look on his face that said ‘oh great here’s another crazy story from Nate.’

“Brittany, I don’t think I was fair to Brittany,” I kept looking off to the side. That kid kept running around in circles and his mom looked like she was about to crack.

Tyler rationed the salt over his fries. “Who the hell is Brittany?”

“Brittany, you know she’s-, well actually I guess you wouldn’t know her, she lives in Davis, look that’s not the point,” I swear this kid was full of energy and his mom was getting fed up. “I know it wasn’t my fault that Tay and Tori couldn’t go to Vacaville I really wanted to go see her, and that’s not even it they could have went too! I swear those two never listen to a word I say it’s ridiculous really. I tell them it’s a waste of time to go to Vacaville and what do they do, they go twice in a row! Then I say ‘hey lets go to Vacaville!’ and what do they do, they freakin stay home! And they always complain about how much they want to go and how much they miss Vacaville and then I give them the chance to go and do they take it? No, of course not! I swear it’s like, it’s like, I don’t know…I mean if they miss them that much come on! If they’d walk 1000 miles just to see someone for five minutes well then they’d really understand what it’s like to miss someone.”

Tyler looked bored. By this time I was just rambling. “Yep…cute girls though.” I don’t think he was really listening.

“Yeah, yeah they’re adorable,” they really were. I looked over, the mom was dragging her kid out the door now, he was trying to make a scene but this mom was good she just straight up dragged him out to the car. I looked back at Tyler. “See, man, she got mad that I didn’t go see her, furious even. I don’t even know how I feel about her but I did want to see her you know? I haven’t seen her since my junior year of high school. I wish she could understand that I really am sincere about being her friend, see she really wanted to see me but she’s been hurt so many times she just got pissed off when I wasn’t able to go see her.”

Tyler looked up. “Yeah…so do something about it.”

I looked up to. “Yeah I should…maybe tomorrow.” I took the rest of his fries, the ones that he didn’t want to finish. I should call Brittany.
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