queen of wands

Feb 27, 2005 12:08

On wednesday, Queen of Wands officially ended. I'll admit that there was a tad bit of extra moisture in my eyes, but I eventually moved on...

For those who don't know, qow has been my #1 favorite webcomic ever since ammitnox introduced me to it and especially after the comic where my pony icon comes from (i'm even lame enough that i paid a bunch for a real version of said pony)...it has had many crossover comics with Something Positive, which is also high on my list of comics...

I don't usually go online when I'm not at work (bad connection), so between then and today, I didn't check any comics or LJ. Therefore, i was surprised when i found this

Ok ok, that was pretty damn funny ;) but in that sort of painful way...i've since spent the last few hours reading through lj and other forums discussing the comic...although randy of sp anticipated vast amounts of hate mail from the qow community, his last report said he'd received none...one person made the following observation:

"They'd be more upset if he killed that cat. There'd be twitching 20 somethings with machetes camped out on his lawn or in front of his place within 48 hours."

I'll have to admit thats true; i don't like animal violence even if its pretend...and zot is a special little kitty!

as for the comic itself there have been several different opinions:

1) it was kestrel, and she's dead
2) it was someone else - who may or may not be dead, but no one cares anyway
3) it was kestrel, but she's not dead

reasons for it not being kestrel involve the fact that we didnt see her face, she was wearing different clothes in the last qow panel, we haven't seen several of the other redheads davan knows recently and they might have grown their hair out, and kestrel isn't dumb enough to stand in the middle of the road

reasons for it being kestrel revolve primarily around the look and clothes of the person who was hit being her "signature" look/outfit and the fact that randy made it clear it was a goodbye post to qow

if she is dead, people range from anger and grief to thinking that its an appropriate way to go (since the last qow strip talks about death and being the punchline)

if she isn't, then people still wonder whether or not she will appear in anymore sp strips or any other comic (possibly aeire's next creation)...many ppl had hoped for a davan/kestrel hook-up; a lot of people think the comic was a way of saying "not going to happen, quit bugging me"

although the thought of her becoming a main character in sp did occur to me, i think it would only be a good idea if these were real people (i would want real ppl to find someone and be happy), but in the comic world, it would be neither practical nor funny. I would like, however, to at least see occasional glimpses of her, whether in sp or elsewhere, but if i don't, ah well. At some point I realized that it was my connection to the artist that i treasured, not the particular story or characters and as long as aeire starts posting something else soon, I'll be ok ;)

So, why does it bother me that kestrel was *killed*? After thinking about it, I decided that it's because I think Kestrel made a good decision to go on w/ her life and move to Boston. *killing* her somehow negates that and gives the message that she should have just stayed where she was. And so, instead, I will continue to believe that she is still alive and will await confirmation of such.

In the meantime, here are some more links and kestrel-related comics for anyone interested:

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