Oct 03, 2011 10:32
Pass out with a brain full of drunken wonder & inspiration. Wake up & what the fuck am I thinking? I'm thinking I'm sad. I feel sad, sad, sad. C'mon, me! Turn magic!! get me out of this motherFucking butterfly net!!! I find myself daydreaming about disneyland...& that first day where I got suuuppperr sickkk. Hitting me all at once on that dumb fucking space ride...not to be confused with that awesome fucking space ride where upon the first of many exits, we noticed that my vodka had spilled out alllll over the seats (it's DISNEYLAND! who let you in!?).
I have aqquired a cold.
I looked online about what one might do in effort to handle the likes of puffy eyes. You know, like the kind you get when you've been sobbing or drinking too much (I have not recently been sobbing, I'm just saying. I feel a need to point this out.) Online's best advice included [Get enough sleep. Don't drink too much. Accept Yourself.] They also said you could try a cold compress...so I found myself placing ice cubes upon shuttered oc,orbs. It immiediately caused me to recall a story about a girl who worked in a hospital...& how part of her job including ice-cubing up the eyes of the dead. We enjoyed that way too much, I guess for the obvious reasons. Because we're creepy. Were. Err. Are. R. ZOMBIE
How do I...How does one...think of cousins beeaaauuutiiiffuuulllll life advice.