I know, I'm spoiling you guys. Don't get used to it. I just thought we should get back to the dream. Before we do, I would just like to take a moment to thank my lovely readers for all your kind comments. I truly was not certain whether anyone would be interested in reading this, but now I am glad I screwed up my courage and posted it. I hope it continues to entertain.
Title: The Tell-Tale Dream
Author: aneuhaus
Rating: NC/17 (but not yet)
Pairings: That would be telling!
Warnings: Slash
Part Three
The next morning, Napoleon arrived at Jason Palmer’s office, promptly, at eight fifty-nine.
“So, I see you made it. Two days in a row, now; I will become a legend if you’re not careful,” Palmer beamed, even though he looked as though he hadn’t gotten much more sleep than Napoleon had.
“Well, I don’t have a problem with sharing the limelight every now and then,” Napoleon stated with a twinkle in his eye.
“I’ll wager that I would get a different story from your partner,” Jason retorted on a laugh. “Coffee?”
“No. Thanks.” Napoleon held up his hand as if he were stopping traffic. “I’ve had two cups already. Any more and I’ll spend most of the morning in the Men’s room.”
“If you think it’s bad now, wait until you’re my age,” Palmer laughed again. “Okay, let’s get down to business. We have a lot of ground to cover.”
Napoleon shot his cuffs, the only outward sign of the butterflies that were playing kamikaze against his ribcage, and then settled back in his chair as the doctor opened a file folder.
“Alright,” he began, “since there is so much information, I have divided it up into sections, in an attempt to make it easier to grasp. The first group of symbols we are going to deal with all occur before you see the glowing figure.”
“First, is the store you are exiting, which symbolizes that you are looking for something you want or need. Since you didn’t purchase anything; you are, at this time, still looking for it. Next, being on vacation means that you long to relax and spend some time fulfilling your own needs. The sudden onset of dusk, or twilight, shows that you feel time is growing short; and, similarly, the act of waiting, as you are waiting for the unseen person inside the store, can represent a feeling of waiting too long for something.”
“As I mentioned, all these images occur before the figure appears; which indicates that these are conditions that prevailed before this person entered your life; or you presently feel that these conditions existed at that time. So, the summation of this section of the dream is that, before you met this person, you felt that something you needed or wanted was missing from your life for a long time. You had searched in all the usual places, but hadn’t found it. You were looking for something that was a true expression of who you are, and something that your inner self knew would bring you peace and fulfill needs that were unfulfilled.”
“Now we come to the symbols that indicate your state of mind after you see the glowing man. You said that the alley that you follow him into is deserted at first. The closest word to ‘deserted’ I could find was ‘desert’, which signifies barrenness, lack, loneliness, and emptiness. It can also indicate that you feel you have nothing to show for time invested in something, such as a job or relationship.”
“Then, there are the lockers in the alley. Again, the word ‘locker’ was not one I could locate, but a ‘lock’ denotes the inability to obtain something that you want.”
“The next related symbol is the disappearance of the figure into the hole in the house. Now, I know that you amended the word ‘disappear’; however, it was your first thought, so I think it is still significant. When a thing, or person, disappears in a dream, it shows a feeling that something important is missing from your life.”
“The final symbol in this section comes from your statement that, after the figure disappears, you feel certain that he has gone up. You may be as surprised as I was to find that ‘up’ is a sign of frustration and resistance.”
“What I surmise from this section is that, upon acquaintance with the figure, you begin to keenly feel an emptiness in your life, and you feel frustrated because you have tried to fill the void for a very long time; and, yet, you are resisting the very thing that will fulfill you and make you happy.”
“Now I want to talk a little about the figure itself. Strangely enough, although there are relatively few images that relate directly to the glowing man, we get a pretty complete picture of your feelings toward him. It is notable that your first sighting of him is from across the street. A street often represents your direction or goal, and dreaming of someone across from you delineates qualities or feelings that person is mirroring back to you.”
“There is also the glow, or light, that emanates from the man; this expresses the shedding of light on a situation or problem, and lighting the way to an emotional or physical journey.”
“Lastly, there is the sidewalk, which is a representation of safety in the midst of a hectic life. What is truly interesting is that a sidewalk, similarly to a street, symbolizes your life path.”
“Conclusion? The glowing man represents a person with whom you feel safe when everything around you is in chaos.”
Napoleon couldn’t keep the smirk from half-forming on his lips. Palmer smiled a knowing smile and continued.
“You see him as a port in a storm. This is also someone with whom you are meant to share yourself on your journey through life. Your goal is to, either, have him be like you, or for him to share or reflect your feelings about something; or, maybe, both. Additionally, the glow could also indicate that this is someone who helps you to problem solve or who rescues you from unpleasant situations. It also could mean, simply, that he is at the center of your own enlightenment.”
Palmer paused and looked carefully at his patient. Having been a practicing psychiatrist for over thirty years, he had become extremely proficient at reading people; but these Section Two agents were equally as competent at hiding their thoughts and feelings. Whatever was going on in Solo’s mind, it was certain that he was uncomfortable about what was being revealed. ‘Well, my friend’ Jason thought to himself, ‘ the truth shall set you free’.
“Why don’t we take a fifteen minute break?” he suggested gently. He wondered, briefly, if he should recommend finishing up at a later date, but decided against it. It was rare enough to have access to an Enforcement agent for two days running, let alone expect a third interview within a reasonable time period.
Besides, it is always more humane to pull the bandage, or in this case the blinders, off quickly.