Hello to all my old, new, and soon to be friends

Dec 29, 2018 12:20

Hello, all. I know I have been away for a very long time. RL smacked me down and, for a while, I lacked the strength to get up. I lost both of my parents in 2008, five months apart, and that was the beginning. Depression caused me to lose my job and resulted in sever anxiety, which made it unable to find, and keep, another one. Thanks to family and a resolve inherited from generations of intrepid ancestors on both sides, I am now working, not sick most of the time, and, once again, beginning to rediscover the things I love. Of course, this includes MFU and LJ! I have spent several months trying to catch up with all the lovely sites and journals, and have been reminded of the incredible love and support this community affords.

Most recently, I have been trying to collect my posted fics and post them all in my LJ journal. I have found quite a few and, quite honestly, don't know how many others are out there. Never having found them to be great masterpieces, it was never crucial to keep up with them. So, if any of you know the whereabouts of any that aren't posted here, I would appreciate a shout out. Most especially, someone (please forgive me for not remembering who) has requested to read one I wrote about Illya being abused by his lover. I don't even recall the title but, if you have it, or know where it is, please let me know. I could have sworn I posted it on muncle, but I have searched and can't find it. (Will also post this request on multificfind.)

Enough of my rambling. I am looking forward to becoming active in the fandom once again. In reading all your kind comments on past fics, I now yearn to set my muse free and see what develops, knowing that I am safe in your hands.

May 2019 be a joyful and prosperous year for you all.


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