woo hoo!!! I did my prescribed 45 min run (as repeats of 1/2 mile run, followed by 2 min of walking/swigging water) on Tuesday and Wednesday was women's group. We only had to run the 6 flights of stairs two times. I was still a little sore yesterday so I'm taking TWO days off till my little 30 min easy jog tomorrow morning. I've got 7 podrunner mixes of
D J Steveboy on the ipod and I see there is a new one today that I might add although 165bpm will be a little faster than my feet will likely be turning over. So I'll put it at the end of the playlist. Or not worry about it till later (like, when I go out for a "Short" 6 mile run!).
the gels and thermolytes are laid out, the bandaids and bodyglide in a ziploc bag, the nutrition/hydration plan is printed (now with locations of cowbelling friends!), the shoes are aired out (I stepped in a puddle Wednesday night), the water bottle is washed, the clothes picked out and I'm as ready as I'm likely to be. I hope a few brave souls are around to see me when I finish - I'm not expecting anything sooner than 6 hours because the longest run was the 20 miler on Jan 11. Since then the longest run I've had was only 9 miles (but it followed a day of 6.5, and the day before that was 8).
Hope all my friends have a great race. If the forecast holds, the weather shouldn't be too darn bad.