Sep 02, 2008 12:37
I guess I shouldn't feel so bad since I did do SOMETHING. But I like to do more, I just reined it in due to the doctor's orders.
S: 6500.00 Yd - 3h 39m 13s
B: 102.20 Mi - 7h 01m 25s
R: 16.01 Mi - 3h 27m 29s
What does the doctor know? Well, I finally googled some of the symptoms I'd been having and strangely enough found a blog with recent entries by people who happened to be taking the same high blood pressure medication as I was prescribed. Couple of weeks ago is when the doc recently DOUBLED the dose. Thursday afternoon, I decided I'd try to get off the snake venom. I knew this was a risk knowing I'd want to go to the BTC after the Ausin Tri because it was triple points day (!) the reality is, the ONLY reason I agreed to take this drug in the first place to control my BP is to be able to donate blood! I have no ill effects from the hypertension, even though I'm at least 25 lbs "overweight" (according to the charts) and train hard even when it's hot out. I'm acclimated to it.
I was pleased when I "passed" the BP test yesterday with 130/88. Yeah, it's a little high but not as bad as I expected for no sleep and being out in the heat since 5:30am. But Dangit!! No Delaware Punch in the canteen!