time for a new userpic

Jun 12, 2008 13:40

not sure who captured this one, Tom, probably.. at the end of Danskin '08

Monday I was supposed to rest, so I did. I fully intended to join Guppy Max for a relaxing swim after work, so I packed swim stuff. Also went in to have my crown worked on. She repositioned it and while cleaning up the temporary cement, touched the sore place on my tongue with the instrument. I nearly went thru the roof, tears came to my eyes. She told me to rinse out my mouth and we were done. She insulted my intelligence by saying, "Well the whole area is inflamed, so maybe taking an anti-inflammatory like advil would help". What do I look like? a complete moron? I'd already eaten advil like candy. I left the office without a word, even though I had intended to stop and chat with the office manager, because she asked how my Danskin went. In order to not start bawling right there, I had to get out to my car. When I got to the car I just let it go. It hurt SO BAD. As the day wore on, the pain took its toll and I was so exhausted by the end of the day, I just went home. No GM swim. Steve had called his friend (and my former dentist) to ask what I could do about this horrible pain - that was nice of him. They said to swish it with half peroxide, half water if I was concerned about infection (I was) and the usual warm salt water swish. So I did that, scrounged around in my late husband's nightstand and found a couple vicodin, so I took one. Went to sleep. Finally.

Tuesday I woke up after a lovely 6 hour sleep, went downstairs to have my morning emergen-c and while swallowing it, noticed something felt weird over the crown area. I looked in my mouth and there was a groove in my tooth. Wow, I have a groovy tooth. Wow, I have no crown. CRAP! Now I have to go back AGAIN and have the girl AGAIN get into my mouth! good thing I had bought some yogurt at the store night before because I didn't figure I should eat anything for breakfast that required chewing. At this point I am really really pissed because how many trips does it take?? I just showed up over there and they started making noises like they might not have time. I said, "well, I'm not leaving till you fix it". So I think she did a little better this time, it's still rough but they just have no sympathy. Even said, "that place isn't even dime-sized". so what? it hurts like hell and it's YOUR fault.  So Tuesday was again a wash, workout-wise, except for the 15 min worth of core work I did at home before the dentist's office.

Yesterday I waffled on whether to do the TxI women's group. I knew it'd be bike hill repeats on Lost Horizon and emailed Coach Susan early in the day (athough I'd brought Buzz and bike gear) asking advice. She suggested I really get some more PT on the hip/glute/hamstring/whatever the problem is and that she'd find me a "spinning focused" workout to do while the rest of them did LH repeats. I showed up just to see if she was up to the challenge of creating a workout for me that wouldn't aggravate my situation, in that neighborhood. We had plenty of hills AND wind. Only Catherine, Julie and Devon showed up. Tracy and Deb were off somewhere doing some kind of "girls only" getaway. Kim, unfortunately, had had another DIF and had to miss. So total workout time, about an hour, total riding 11.5 miles, but during that time was explanation of the workout. Then I went to our TZ North women's post-race potluck/first tri of the season story sharing session. The house was in a little bit sceery part of town, but the house itself is really really cool. she had it decorated with lots of neat furnishings. Kind of a 70's feel without the avocado kitchen appliances.  today I'm supposed to swim 60 min so I'm going to use the toys tonight in the pool. Coach Susan said using a kickboard should be good for me.

bike, crown

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