following the crowd..

Oct 18, 2007 12:12

I guess all high tech companies in Austin must put on some kind of "health fair" in the fall.  Dell had theirs today in my building so I went to get to "know my numbers". I already know one of them is my weight, which is 20 lbs overweight (by their tables). But, I'm not going there...

my bp was 140/90 (pretty typical, unfortunately, for me -- I could use drugs to control but won't tolerate side effects)
Cholesterol: 181
HDL: no exact number, they only put >100
LDL: N/A  -- the "health coach" said it was too low to register
Triglycerides: 57
Glucose: 73

they used some funky bodyfat measuring device, different than the one at IBM apparently. This one they had you hold out at arm's length and press your thumbs on top. I'm not sure what the thumb-pressing really does. I can't believe I have any fat in my thumbs. But apparently the rest of my body IS pretty fat: 30.5%. they calculated my BMI at 25.8, just on the "wrong" side of overweight. I'm planning to fix that part of it during running season. Don't know  how much I believe that bodyfat measurement - but I'm not going to worry about it anyway. If can drop a little weight, it has to go down, but I'm not going to kill myself doing that either.

blood test, lipid panel

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